49 weeks

Well March has indeed come in like a lion! A few inches of snow at the end of February followed by a high of 75 on Wednesday and then another round of icy weather on Thursday with highs barely above freezing...Thank you Alabama spring! Getting ready for another week of high 60s/low 70s and rain....lots and lots of rain.

Thankfully, our sniffles ended because Emma finally cut her 6th tooth! I didn't even realize how much it affected her mood until she cut it and it was like she was a different baby altogether! She was in a great mood and spent the entire day Wednesday smiling and laughing. But it was all short lived because the stomach bug decided to visit the Guthrie house this weekend. I should have seen it coming. I've been noticing a lot of mentions of stomach bugs on fb so it was really just a matter of when. I'd say we've been lucky since this is the very first bug Emma's had in her almost one year life! I hate that she's been so miserable but I've liked the snuggles all day. I'm hoping it's just a 24 hour bug and she'll be back to her normal stinker self tomorrow.

Now we just have to work on the separation anxiety. I can't even act like I'm walking away without her having a meltdown. I'm hoping it's just a phase and we'll be done with it soon. I love that she wants to be close to me but I can't hold her 24/7. Thankfully, she really loves Mrs. Cindi so leaving her at daycare isn't an issue at all.

We're still working on walking and she's getting so close! Yesterday, she stood up by herself for a good while but, of course, freaked out when she realized I wasn't holding on to her. She's starting to take steps with just one hand being held, which I think is a big step! Still no desire to crawl but I'm ok with it if she's at least trying to get around in another way.

We're down to three weeks until my baby is 1! I'm still in disbelief over it but I'm loving how much she's changing and growing. I can't wait until she starts walking and talking and see her personality grow! It's a little scary how much of myself I see in her but I also see a lot of Rory in her temperament. Unfortunately, she'll have his temper but hopefully, she'll also have gotten a little of our laid back personalities as well. There's no denying that she's her own little person and I have a suspicion that there will be a lot of spankings in her future. I'm praying she'll be one of those kids that you only have to give a look to and they fall apart, but I'm not holding my breath. I wasn't like that and I doubt Rory was either so it's more likely she'll be a stubborn little thing. No matter. She's my daughter and I love her with all my heart and I wouldn't trade her for the world! 

Hope everyone had a great first week of March!

God bless!


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