
After a LONG week last week and our ENT appointment today, we finally have answers on how to make our baby girl better!

I do have to begin, however, and explain just how pitiful Emma was to start her day out. Yesterday afternoon, she fell on the sidewalk and skinned her knees while watching her bubble machine. While she did skin one up pretty bad, you would have thought that she had broken her legs. It was only when you had her attention on something else that she would stop whining about her knees and just being generally whiny. I'm guessing a lot of this stems from learned behavior from this past week of being waited on hand and foot while being sick and getting lots of attention when whining. It's not something that I'm loving...

At any rate, we had to wake her up for our ENT appointment this morning: mistake #1. She is not a morning person anyways so having to wake her up from sleeping just makes it worse. We then took her pants off to change her diaper: mistake #2. She didn't wear a band-aide on her knee last night because we wanted it to breath and then I guess it kind of oozed and stuck to her pants so pealing them off was not fun. I will say that I've had that happen before and it doesn't feel good, so maybe we'll give her a pass on that one ;)
Then it was downstairs to get some breakfast. She eventually calmed down from the trauma of having to get her diaper changed and was happily eating her yogurt and drinking her chocolate milk. Then I started fixing her hair: mistake #3. She immediately stopped eating and drinking and began writhing in her chair like I was scalping her. Bless the stylist's heart that has to cut her hair for the first time! I then went straight into putting neosporin and a band-aide on her knee: mistake #4. You can see where this is all going....

Once in the car, she was good for the ride to Children's Hospital and was enjoying her favorite Disney movie, The Jungle Book. She even got excited when we got to Children's and realized that we'd been there before and loved walking across the bridge from the parking deck into the hospital. Once we found the clinic we needed to go to, it was a waiting game. It started to fall apart when I had to walk up to the desk to fill out paperwork for MAYBE two minutes: mistake #5. My mom was with us and kept Emma back in the seating area so all I heard were screams and cries until I felt a little hand on my shoulder and realized that she was inconsolable unless she could see that I hadn't left her and was coming back. Bless her little heart :( After the pages were filled out and signed and I paid my copay (really, it's just a down payment so they can bill you for some outrageous amount later that your insurance just happens to not cover), we waited a little while longer before getting to go back to see the ENT people.

Emma was a little hesitant when going in the exam room but seemed to get excited when I asked her if she wanted to see how big she'd gotten (weight); that was, until she saw that she had to sit on the scale: mistake #6. At least she sat still (more like petrified) until the nurse got her weight and then it was back to the exam room to wait on the NP to come look at her. Once the NP came in the room, Emma and I had to sit in the big weird chair (exam chair) for the NP to check Emma's vitals: mistake #7. You would think that the stethoscope and otoscope had spikes that stabbed her when in use with the way she screams. I'm surprised any nurse or doctor can hear her breathing and heart beat! After literally 1 minute of a check, the NP instructed us to go get an x-ray to check Emma's adenoids to see if they were enlarged and then come right back. So then it was up to the x-ray department and more waiting. It was weird sitting in that waiting room though, because that's exactly where we had to take Emma for her upper GI test almost 2 years ago. It was deja vu all over again. I was hyping it up for Emma telling her that they were going to take a pretty picture of her and she genuinely seemed excited about it; again, until we walked into the x-ray bay: mistake #8. The nurse was going to have us hold her down to get a profile shot of Emma's head so that they could get a good look at her adenoids. Holding any kid down does not give good results. Emma was pitiful and was laying there screaming while I was holding her head and chin and my mom was holding her hands down. Thankfully, it was over as fast as it started and we were out of there and headed back downstairs. Once back in the exam room, we didn't have long to wait for Dr. Kulbersh to come in and give us the diagnosis. He said her adenoids were enlarged and that's what had been contributing to ALL of Emma's problems - snoring, mouth-breathing, drooling, hearing loss, probable speech delay, etc. He said that he also felt very strongly that we needed to remove them and it would help relieve most, if not all, of her issues. He also felt that this surgery could be in lieu of tubes. I was relieved to learn that its an outpatient 15-20 minute procedure and she can go home the same day! He was very reassuring and said that the worse thing she may have is bad breath (already there doc!). Emma shocked and awed me and my mom by sitting very quietly and even smiling at the doctor the whole time he was in the room! I told him he was a lucky one because usually she's all tense and whiny and freaks out at the slightest movement from the doctor towards her lol! He did help out by just sitting in the big seat across the room the whole time so there was nothing for Emma to worry about :)

So now we have Emma's adenoidectomy scheduled for May 19th at Children's. We're hoping this results in no more snoring, no more chronic runny nose, easier breathing for her, and her being able to hear much better! I know that God will guide us through all of this and she'll be just fine. Just pray that Rory and I will be fine once she starts talking to where we can understand her! It's going to be non-stop, I just know it...

God bless!


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