Our Newest Adventure

Emma had her two year old wellness checkup today and has finally broken 20 pounds! She was not so cooperative in getting her stats because she was terrified the nurse was going to hurt her with a shot, but she was able to get them eventually!

Since her pediatrician was on vacation, we saw Vivi, his nurse practitioner. We LOVE her! She is so nice and is very patient with Emma, who is a little gun shy with doctor's offices. Poor thing is like her Uncle Will when it comes to needles. Vivi was so excited about her growth and said that we are close to catching up with an actual curve! Up until this point, Emma has made her own, so to see her so close to the bottom of a real curve is exciting! Mom's of teeny babies will understand my excitement ;) Emma is 2'6" so going with the wive's tail of doubling the height at 2, she should be right at 5' as an adult! She'll be in good short company with her Mammy, Aunt Candace and Reesee. In all seriousness, we weren't expecting her to be 6' but I was praying hard that she would at least hit 5'!

We moved on to talk about her milestones. While Emma is VERY vocal and chatty, she's not to the point where anyone can understand her, not even Rory or me most of the time. Vivi was a little surprised about this because most toddlers by two have a decent vocabulary that can be understood by strangers. I wasn't surprised that Emma's behind; she's been a little behind every since she was born, but it was never a concern :) Vivi felt like it would be a good idea to have Emma's speech evaluated to make sure there aren't any major delays. She was a little concerned that Emma can't say her M's or N's, seeing as how those are some the first letters babies can vocalize. I hadn't really noticed too much until I started explaining to Vivi that Emma says "baba" instead of "mama" and "eow" instead of "meow". She also says "go" instead of "no", so with that information, we are being referred to see a specialist for an initial evaluation to see if Emma will need speech therapy. To be honest, I was a little sad at first because "therapy" has such a negative connotation. The more I thought about it, the less sad I felt because I remembered that my brothers had to go to speech for their R's and Rory had a stutter until he was 6 and now that are happy, healthy, productive members of society ;) Plus, my friend who is a kindergarten teacher told me that the sooner we can get her in to correct any issues, the better it will be when she starts school! I'm all for helping her get ahead!

To Emma's disappointment (and mine too, a little), she did have to have some blood drawn so that they can check platelet numbers and lead levels. Vivi explained that the issue that has been happening in Flint, MI apparently is not limited to just Flint, MI. They're concerned that the issue of lead has spread further but "experts" aren't sure to what extent and where. Vivi said because of this, they have been checking kids more frequently to make sure that they aren't coming in contact with too much lead. Poor Emma just hates that phlebotomist now :( I knew that she would be fine after a few minutes and she even gave him a wave and blew him a kiss! We're making progress ;)

With that, we are waiting to hear when we will start our next adventure of speech evaluation/therapy! I'm kind of excited now thinking about how much it will help Emma to be able to communicate, although I will miss her own little Emma-language. I expect her vocabulary will explode into so many words and she'll be talking with us and her little friends in no time (and you'll actually be able to understand her!).

We're also gearing up for her second birthday party tomorrow! I went with a rodeo theme so I'm excited to see how everything turns out tomorrow. Get ready for picture overload next week!

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their Friday and the weekend!

God Bless!


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