20 weeks

We're half way there! I'm having conflicting feelings about whether to be excited or overwhelmed and terrified.

I'm excited that we're just a mere 4 1/2 months away from meeting our second little girl but I'm overwhelmed with how much we still have to do to prepare! We already have all the furniture we need this time around but I want to be the "on top of it" mom who has the nursery decorated and ready before Penny gets here. I've got lots of ideas but with the holiday season quickly approaching, we'll see if it actually gets done. I also have to make time to pull down clothes from the attic and start going through what is wearable and what needs to be thrown out. I've got plenty of cleaning tactics pinned for how to get poop and puke stains out of old baby clothes so we'll all see if any of those work. I've come to the conclusion that having another girl will be nice in the aspect that she's already got a complete wardrobe for the rest of her life (sister's hand-me-downs) but I also suffer from mommy-guilt and want to get her clothes of her own! I'm certain there will be lots of clothes that will be bought just for Penny since she won't have the same initials as Emma, and no southern belle's wardrobe is complete without at least 10 monogrammed items! ;)

The ultrasound was absolutely perfect yesterday. I really wish I would have brought a CD to record it but alas, it probably would have just collected dust on a shelf after she was born. I will always have the memories though! Her measurements are already starting to slow, just like Emma's did (which was why they freaked out with E and we had to see a MFM Doc for the last 8 weeks of my pregnancy last time) but everything looked absolutely perfect for our little baby! She's measuring at 19 weeks 5 days, which is 2 days behind what she has been measuring but it's no biggie. My doctor already knew what to expect so she's letting everything progress as normal. Miss P was being extra shy when the tech was trying to get definitive confirmation on the sex. She had her legs crossed and up in front of her face with her hands down at her bottom. I hope she stays that lady-like ;) She finally did move enough for the tech to confirm that Miss P is, in fact, a girl. To Rory's dismay, nothing grew. She did move her head and hands a good bit and even puckered her lips for us! It was absolutely adorable and made me want to grab her right off that screen and hold her! So for now, she's squished in there pretty good.

We were also able to confirm that she will be here on February 13th via repeat c-section, if not before. She's not breech but my doctor is concerned that I may be too little to birth even a small 6 pounder naturally. That was my argument last pregnancy but it ended up being a moot point because Emma was breech the whole time. This time around, we're going for ease and experience. Since I already know what to expect, Lord willing, it will be an "event-less" delivery. I won't mind in the least if P follows in E's footsteps and decides to come a week early, but none-the-less, they'll be going in to get her. So, ready or not, we're all set on that front!

In other news, our weekend was full of going, going, going! Emma and I had a blast at the Butter Bean Festival in Pinson on Friday night with some friends. Rory decided it would be good to have a guys night that night since walking around looking at random vendors isn't his cup of tea. It was the perfect beginning to fall too! A brisk night of mid-50s was just what I've been waiting for! It, however, did not do well for Emma or my's sinuses. Saturday was a struggle for both of us with constant runny noses. But that didn't stop us from attending our first session of our gospel meeting with Buddy Payne at the civic center! In hindsight, it wasn't really a lesson to take a 2 1/2 year old too as I didn't get to pay attention much, but it was nice to be among fellow Christians and learn something that I didn't know! He talked about Evolution vs. Creation from a science aspect. Very interesting and very much over my head. After the first lesson, Emma and I skipped out to do some shopping for a birthday party later that day and get groceries. Once home, I crashed before the birthday party. I knew it was going to be a long day but my body (and Penny) just wasn't ready for it. Rory decided to stay home to watch the Vols play (because it was right in the middle of the time of the party) so Emma and I went and enjoyed being outside for a while. The party was a carnival theme and super cute! There were bouncy houses, a popcorn machine, icee machine and all the decorations to go with it! Emma wanted nothing to do with the bouncy houses or face painting so we spend the majority of our time sitting at a table, which I was more than happy to do since I was still exhausted. It was a nice break from our normal Saturday though. After that, it was off to watch football and be lazy the rest of the day!

Sunday was a whole other story...Emma has been fighting sinuses for about two weeks and Sunday was when everything came to a head. Rory and I work up to Emma's "I just threw up" cry but after stripping her bed, I wasn't able to find anything so we deduced that she had just gagged, probably on her snot, and then freaked out from gagging. After that short moment of hysteria, Emma was good to go and area good breakfast and we were off to worship. Once at worship, it wasn't until the opening prayer that it hit again. Emma looked at me and pointed to her stomach a mere 2 seconds before releasing her breakfast all over the floor in front of us. I tried to do the motherly thug and catch it but I realized a little late that there was no way I was going to catch it all. We quickly got to the back and cleaned her and myself up and then hightailed it back home. She was completely fine for the rest of the day and was even more energetic once we got home. I still think it was just excess snot from her nose that made her sick. Her nose was a nonstop flow of snot so it's completely plausible.

We're hoping that the weather can even out so all of our sinuses will chill out. Hope everyone is enjoying fall!

20 weeks to go!

God bless!


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