21 weeks

Put another week in the books...this pregnancy is going by way too fast! Not too much in the way of new symptoms. I've gone back and read some of the posts I made when I was pregnant with Emma and, ironically, I'm having a lot of the same symptoms now but they seem to be starting earlier.

I got my first leg cramp this past week. I forgot just how much those hurt! I was already awake when it hit so that made it less of a shock, but I still had to hold back from screaming because I didn't want to wake everyone up. The soreness is just now gone away after almost a week :/ I'm also starting to get more heartburn at night. I'm hoping that means P will have a lot of hair like Emma did!
The Braxton hicks contractions aren't as bad this time around but they starting to become more frequent. I know, I know. I need to drink more water.

My food aversions have all but gone away (hotdogs, hamburgers, etc) but I still have to convince myself for a good 15 minutes about what I want to eat. I would still much rather prefer something sweet over real food. I'm trying to keep myself in check. It would be my luck that I'll have gestational diabetes...then I really don't know what I'll eat!

Penny is still moving like crazy and it's starting to become noticeable when she kicks or punches from the outside. I'm ready for her to get bigger so people other than me (and obviously Rory, since he's still not going to touch my belly) can feel her. I'm really more ready to have her here already!

This weekend was Rory and my's sixth wedding anniversary! It really doesn't feel like its been six years, but I wouldn't trade a single day! Friday night was date night and after going back and forth about what to do after eating at Firebirds, we decided to do a little window shopping at Dick's and Buy Buy Baby and then call it a night. We're such old foggies ;)

Emma had a blast with her Aunt Tonya Friday night too! She got some new dolls and even had her nails painted! She was so excited to show everyone her nails. She's such a girl lol! She was out cold before we made it out of the driveway when I picked her up Friday night and that trend only continued all weekend :)

Saturday was kind of a bust of a day. I had planned on visiting my grandmother that morning but we all ended up sleeping in longer than expected and then did a little cleaning and spent a little time outside changing headlights and air filters in the Traverse before heading to watch football at some friends house. Apparently, we don't clean enough like we should so "cleaning" was a lot of kicking up dust and vacuuming it up. This did not translate well for me and Rory later. Once we watched a heartbreaking loss by the Vols, we headed home and Rory and I decided to rearrange our bedroom furniture. Don't worry, I was not allowed to move anything over more than 5 pounds!

Sunday morning, both of us seriously regretted the deep cleaning that we had done the night before. We both felt like our heads had been run over by trains so we elected to stay in that morning. Emma was at 100% so both of us just had to suck it up, take some Tylenol and watch her run circles around us. We were both feeling somewhat better by evening services so we decided to go to worship, but I was running at about 40% so I was drained after being out for just a couple hours.

I had yesterday off and E and I had a perfect day of doing absolutely nothing! It was a great thing because I'm still not back to 100% but hope to be in a couple days. Hopefully this sinus crud isn't turning into a cold, but the incessant sneezing isn't giving me much confidence. Emma's sinus crud has all but cleared up with the exception of a slight cough that happens at night and in the mornings so I'm praying that doesn't turn into anything else.

I hope everyone is enjoying their Monday and our closing in on the middle of October already!

19 weeks to go!

God bless!


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