To my husband, the dad of girls

My husband,

I know that there is a place in every man's heart that longs for a silly, rambunctious little boy that he can share all his secrets with and teach all his manliness to. I know there's a dream of watching that little boy get dirty playing outside with all his buddies and spending long nights at the local ballpark.

What you may not know is there is also a place in my heart that longs for that same silly, rambunctious little boy that I can teach love and kindness to. I had that same dream of spending countless hours watching him hit baseballs with you or throw imaginary touchdowns across the yard.

I saw the sadness in your eyes, and honestly felt a little myself when the tech told us it was another girl. I wouldn't trade our children for a million dollars and I love both of our girls with all my heart but I had hopes and dreams of the perfect "All-American" family of a girl and a boy.

This is where God intercedes and shows me my selfishness. It is not in my interest to think I know what is best for us. We can wish and pray all we want, but the way of God will prevail and IS what's best for us. And God's way for us is to the best parents to two sweet girls.

I truly believe that God makes some men special to be dads of girls. While the world tries to tell us (and our children) that girls and boys can do the same things and be the same, we know that's not entirely true. Girls are wired to be emotional while boys are wired to be physical. Girls are made to be the nurturers. Boys are made to be the protectors. The way that you interact with Emma just proves to me that God put something special in you. She is already a daddy's girl, through and through. I know, because I'm one myself. The bond between a father and daughter is something that can't be matched. The gentleness and love you show her is so pure and strong and I know that it will be the same for Penelope.

It's hard for me to imagine how I will be able to love Penny the same as I love Emma because there's no end to my love for E, but I know God makes a way. I've heard it compared to growing another heart. Our girls will definitely never have a shortage of love provided!

I have no doubt that we will still have long summer nights spent under some kind of lights at some kind of ball field, assuming that E and P get your affinity and talent for sports. I'm praying hard for that! We will also have sleepovers and tea parties and princess everything, at least for one of them. Even though we didn't get that boy that we both prayed for, we got something better. Two healthy and perfect girls who will grow our hearts exponentially. You never know, Penny may be the tom-boy after your own heart ;)

I'm not particularly looking forward to the drama and over-the-top hysterics that will inevitably come with two girls, but I am looking forward to seeing them grow into strong, independent women who will, Lord willing, one day become mothers of their own. It's our God-given job to prepare them as women and, more importantly, Christian women and I think you and I are just the two for that job.

I am forever grateful to God for sending me the perfect man to lead me and my girls through life. I am thankful for the kind and gentle heart you have towards Emma and, in the very near future, will have towards Penny. We love you!

Your loving Wife


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