29 weeks

We're so close to single digits, it's not funny! It's really not funny when I start thinking of all the things we still have left to do to prepare to become a family of 4 :/

It's been a minute since I wrote an update. Life has a funny way of getting crazy just when you're ready for it to slow down.

I had my 28 week appointment last week and the subsequent glucose test (yak!), and much to my chagrin, I failed. Therefore, I had to take the three hour test today...and I PASSED! Hallelujah! Now I can enjoy a nice cake for my birthday on Friday ;)

I also had my doctor tell me that I'm slightly anemic so I'm having to take iron supplements along with my vitamins. This could explain why I was SO cold at the beginning of my pregnancy, although they told me then that my levels were normal. Not a big deal. Just taking it one day at a time.

The exhaustion is starting to come back, and I have an inkling it may be because I can no longer sleep all the way through the night anymore. I frequently wake up at 4 am and can't go back to sleep for at least an hour, which is when it's time to wake up anyways. I'm also starting to experience more leg cramps. Those will make a grown man want to cry! Thanks be to God that I have a loving and caring husband who will massage my leg at two in the morning until the cramp subsides! I don't know whether the initial pain is worse or the lingering soreness for the next two days! Again, one day at a time...

I am also now officially the same size I was when I HAD Emma...and I've still got 2 more months to go. P is still moving like crazy, which is a good thing because she was in breech position when they did an ultrasound last week. Dr. Favor wanted to see if we could expect the same "issues" that we had with Emma, and by that, I mean that she will be little. No danger there! She's measuring just fine and actually will be VERY much like Emma - big head, short legs, big feet. I'm going to go ahead and concede that the Guthrie genes are dominant...so much for one of my girls having my long legs and tiny feet :/

So how was the rest of our first weekend of December? Let's just recap...

Friday night was the annual christmas party at the Water's house and I was SO looking forward to the first christmas party of the year. The food was delicious and the company was even better! And then, the shoe dropped...

One of our friends was keeping Emma that night so Rory and I could attend the party, and about an hour and a half into the party, she's knocking on the door of the Waters' house; Emma had been sick most of the evening and had just thrown up all in her car. Needless to say, our night was cut short. We made the quick swap to our car and headed straight to the store to get pedialyte and then headed home. She got sick one more time when we got home because she chugged a whole drink of pedialyte before I could get it out of her hand. She did sleep all night (which was a blessing) but was up at the crack of dawn Saturday morning. From then, it was more of the same...drink some juice, throw it up, play for a little while. Drink some juice, throw it up, play for a little while. She did manage to use the bathroom in between getting sick, so that made me feel better that she wasn't dehydrated for the moment. We still pushed juice pretty hard, and eventually, she was able to keep down a couple of sippy cups of juice and a few crackers. Saturday night was a whole different ball game. She was finally turning the corner and wanted to eat everything in sight (which broke my heart because I kept having to tell her no). She was perking back up to her old self and cracking Rory and I up with her usual antics.

Sunday was much better for her, but not so much for me. I woke up with the worse sore throat and cough I've had in a while, but I was thankful that it wasn't a stomach bug! Sunday was another day of "rest" for us as I slept most of the time to try and recoup myself from an awful sinus infection that was brewing. Emma was back to being Emma. She, again, wanted to eat everything and, thankfully, we were able to give her more than just crackers and juice. She learned some ballet dance moves and discovered she could jump "real high" so she worked out this whole little routine that Rory and I had to watch at least 10 times, each having to end with roaring applause from her adoring fans (Rory and me). She's such a stinker...

I can't wait to see what Penny adds to this crazy family, but I have no doubt it will only be more silliness and love! I'm praying for a quick next 10 weeks and then a happy, healthy baby girl to add to the Guthrie family! Hope everyone had a much better weekend than we did and has a great week! Bundle up cuz the end of this week is going to be COLD!

10 weeks to go! (I'm going ahead and changing this because she will be here no later than Feb 13th!)

God Bless!


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