30 Weeks

I am ringing in my 30th week being 30...and so far, so good.

I had always hoped I would be done having all my kids before I turned 30, but alas, I'll miss that mark by a mere 2 months. I'll take what I can get though. I certainly don't FEEL 30 (most days) but being pregnant definitely helps me to realize my limitations a lot more! The other day was a wake up call when I picked Emma up to put her in her stroller and immediately had to put her down and double over on the floor. I thought Penny was about to come right on out! That was a definite sign to Rory and me that I don't need to pick Emma up anymore (even though she's just 25 pounds at this point). This does not go over well with Emma since she's become super clingy - I think she may be getting a feeling that something is about to go down and she won't be the center of attention anymore. Bless it.

New symptoms this week include extreme exhaustion (it's back!) and more intense round ligament pains. The Braxton Hick's contractions are starting to lighten up some but those don't really bother me as much as being generally miserable and uncomfortable. I'm trying to pick up tips and tricks here and there on how to create a little more room for P. So far, sitting up straighter has worked WONDERS! If you other moms-to-be haven't tried it, please do! It's amazing what a correct posture will do to make a little more room for baby to move, as well as more room for you to breath! I feel like I can actually catch my breath.

P is still a mover. I still feel like she moves more than Emma did but my memory is not so fantastic these days. She's still positioned up under my ribs so the kicks and jabs are not so cute anymore. She frequently pushes her head up and it looks like my belly is a lopsided alien belly. I can only assume that she's already practicing her tummy time routine ;) Let's hope she enjoys tummy time more than Emma did! I have a feeling she may take to it better because Emma will be here to cheer her on.

I'm more emotional now (probably because my hormones are crazy and because we only have 9 weeks left!) and I can cry at just about anything. I try to hold them in so I don't look like the stereotypical pregnant lady. I daydream about how sweet it will be to see Emma holding her baby sister and how close they'll be, Lord willing. I can't wait to see how Rory reacts to Penny either. He loves Emma so much and I know that he'll be just as big of a pile of mush with Penny. I also catch myself looking at pictures of Emma when she was a newborn and my heart just about explodes out of my chest when I think about how much I want Penny to be here already! I'll have to confirm my theory in 9 weeks, but I think the second time around, you already know what to expect so all of those emotions and feelings are just waiting to burst out as soon as the baby's born! With Emma, I loved her as soon as she came out but the emotions and the feelings didn't come until later (several weeks, even).

The nursery is still a work in progress, although not much work is being done. I don't expect we'll really start to get it painted and set up until after the new year. It's pretty much empty except for some lingering junk that is both my parents and ours that we just need to find a place for. I'm trying not to go overboard on baby stuff since we basically have everything we need, but I can't help but think about things that I would like this time around: a more comfy rocker, shelves to hang on the wall for books instead of a bookcase, etc. I know that Penny won't care a thing about any of it, but I put so much effort and time into Emma's nursery that I feel like I would be shortchanging Penny if I didn't put at least the same amount of effort and consideration into decorating hers. We'll see...

Emma is over her stomach bug, but decided to share with Daddy :/ Rory got a pretty bad dose and has been laid up on the couch or in the bed since Sunday and finally was able to venture back to work today. Poor thing was just pitiful :( I didn't mind doubling up on wife/mommy duty, but with the exhaustion coming back, the last couple of days has been hard. I am definitely my mother's daughter as well so I feel the need to do everything myself and not ask for any help. Hopefully Rory will be on the mend VERY soon and I can end my ride on the struggle bus for a little while. I'm just praying we don't have anymore illnesses strike our little family in about 8 weeks...then we'll ALL be on the struggle bus!

Emma's speech is still going very well. I feel like she has come SO far and Martha has been a true blessing! She's so talented and works so well with Emma and I know that Emma loves her too! She's already at the stage that she's repeating everything she hears, which means Rory and I are having to learn how NOT to say certain things around her, which is a lot harder than we originally thought! It's still very weird to hear her say actual words but it makes me so happy that we can understand her! Now, it will just be getting her to STOP talking lol!

Emma also made LEAPS and BOUNDS with Santa this weekend! We had our annual party at a friend's house and Santa made an appearance. Last year, Emma stared for just a moment before bursting into tears and screams. This year, she didn't cry, but she made sure she knew where Santa was at all times. I had her stand with me NEAR Santa and she did give him two fist bumps and told him she wanted a doll and some golf stuff (I have no idea where the golf stuff came from, but apparently she wants some). This was huge people! Maybe by next year, we'll get her to stand next to Santa and get a picture and the next year, she may just decide she can sit in his lap! This is all depending on how Miss P reacts as well. I'm hoping she'll be my brave one and love everything about Halloween and Christmas!

We're heading into the holiday stretch and I could not be more excited! Not only does it mean holiday time off, but it means time will go by much faster and then Penny will be here before we know it! It already blows my mind when I think about as of today, we are exactly 2 months away from being a family of four! Two months is really not that long...we had just experience the snowpocolypse of 2014 at this point in my pregnancy with Emma, and it really didn't feel like long after that when she made her appearance! It's getting real people...

9 weeks to go!

God bless!


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