31 weeks

With all the excitement of the past week, we're in serious baby prep mode now. While it's unlikely that Penny will make her appearance in the next couple of weeks, we can't be too careful. All of her clothes have now been washed and her bag is packed so that's one check mark done!

The nursery will be next! This will be a bigger task, and one, as of right now, I won't be able to participate in getting together. Thankfully, mom and dad will be here for Christmas and will be helping to clear the room out so Rory can start painting, and I have no doubt that there will be no shortage of help from Emma and Penny's godmother and other friends! God is so good to me :)

My 31 week doctor's appointment is tomorrow and (fingers crossed!) we'll know whether I have to continue on bed rest or if I can return to regular activity. While I'm very hopeful, I know that it's more likely that my doctor will ere on the side of caution and probably keep me on at least a reduced activity order. I'm already trying to prepare for the next several weeks at home and have started working with my boss to get things set up to work remotely. If I can tell you anything about the past few days of bed rest, I would drive myself absolutely crazy if I had to be cooped up in the house for the next 6+ weeks with nothing to do! I'm very much the type of person that wants things to do and can't stand not to be able to do even the simplest tasks. God has really been working on my patience with this and I am grateful to have this test and hope I can learn this lesson quickly!

Along with the contractions from last week, my heartburn has taken a shove into extreme! I'm really hoping this means that Penny will follow in her sister's footsteps and have a head full of dark hair upon her arrival. We have plenty of bows so no need for them to go to waste! I've also noticed that sleeping on my sides has resulted in hip pains. This should have been an obvious one to me but I never had this issue with Emma. I'm constantly having to wake up and roll over so my boney hips can have a break. Curses for lack of fat! I'm not really missing sleeping on my back but I want nothing more than to roll over on my belly! I think I morphed into a belly sleeper after having Emma...won't be able to enjoy that for a while now though :/

The exhaustion is still ongoing and I know that it won't stop...for at least the next 18 years ;) I'm trying to get a few naps in here and there while I'm stuck on the couch, but napping when all you really want to do is dishes and laundry is proving to be really hard (yes, I know I'm weird). I'm trying to utilize my snoogle, but I seem to be having a hard time getting comfortable on even that! The struggle is real, people. Here's to hoping that my comfort level will increase just a bit so that Penny can stay put!

While I do a lot of complaining lately, I find myself very excited about Penny coming. I'm not quite ready yet (and neither is she), but when she does get here, I fully intend to soak up every moment with her and her big sister! I can't wait to see how Emma interacts with Penny and I can't wait to see Penny reach all the milestones that were so exciting with Emma! I'm really praying that Penny is a good eater and a good sleeper, and I won't mind one bit if she doesn't have colic (boy, that was a blast...). We have a lot of other things going on in our lives right now and I know that having Penny will only make our lives that much more exciting and full of love! Just pray that Rory and I can take the roads that are the best for us and our girls. 2017 has the promise of a lot of change already!

This week, we look forward to another Christmas as the Guthrie three, and next year, we'll add another! Last year was really the first year that Emma got excited about Christmas so I know this year will only be more exciting! I can't wait to see what she thinks of all her presents!

I hope everyone has a great Christmas week and a Merry Christmas! Hopefully we won't be getting any unexpected early presents!

8 more weeks!

God Bless!


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