1 month left!

As of yesterday, we have exactly one month (or less)! It's crazy when I think about how a month from now, I will be a mother of two beautiful, Lord willing, healthy girls!

It's starting to get real. I know I say that every week, but something about this week has just hit me smack in the face. I will have this baby in 4 weeks or less! There are only two more payrolls before she gets here! That one really freaks out my replacement ;) hehe!

I really feel like she won't stay put for another month, but I could be totally wrong. She's starting to slow down on her movements because she's running out of space. Most days, though, it doesn't even phase her and she will just make room, which doesn't feel so great to mama!

The pain is starting to radiate down into my thighs now and around my back, and I completely attribute that to the fact that I am ALL belly and it's hard to hold this thing up! P is only getting bigger every week so at this rate, I'll have to be wheeled into L&D next month! One good thing to come out of this, surprisingly, is that the RLS has gone away, for now. I'm totally not complaining, as this has allowed me to sleep better! Unfortunately, now I'm having to get up a few times a night to relieve my bladder, since someone has decided to park herself right on top of it and it can't hold much!

I've been able to stop taking the Procardia (thank goodness!) and, while I still have Braxton Hick's contractions, I've been able to avoid the real things for now. I don't think I would have been able to take that medicine for much longer anyways because the side effects were doing more to make me feel like poo than being pregnant ever did! My heart would start racing and my hands would start shaking. It was like having a hypoglycemic episode, except it would last at least 5 minutes longer and I would basically have to crawl under my desk and hide until it was over. At this point, if P decides that she wants to give us more fits, we'll just have to deal! I'm over trying to prevent the contractions at this point! Granted, if she were to come now, we would likely have to spend a little time in the NICU, but I know that she would be well cared for and she'd be perfect regardless.

We are making real progress in the nursery! Rory and Colby painted today so now it's just a matter of assembling the furniture and decorating. Hopefully, we'll get all of it done before P gets here and she'll be ahead of where we were with Emma's nursery before she got here! I like to go back and read my blog posts from when I was pregnant with Emma and I didn't even realize that we got the majority of things done just in the nick of time with her! I didn't get it decorated the way I really wanted it until she was 5 months old! My goal is to get most of the big decorations and furniture done by the middle of this next week and have the clothes hung up and everything in some semblance of "ready" by next weekend.

My bag is mostly packed as well since I have a VERY good feeling that it really could be as early as a couple of weeks. I'm trying to be as prepared as I can be this time around. I've already preregistered at the hospital (even though it is for Feb 13th) so I'm ready when she is!

I don't know what all has been different about this time around, but I am SO ready to meet Miss P and, more than anything, to not be pregnant! I think I had a period of about two weeks where being pregnant was enjoyable, but for the most part, I've had ALL of the symptoms that you read about that are "typical", which, thankfully, I didn't experience with Emma. They have proven to be quite miserable. I've also grown bigger this time, but I knew to expect that as my body has gone through this before and was getting ready earlier to blow up like a balloon to make room for this tiny human. I fully expect Penny to be a little bit bigger than Emma was (if she makes it to at least 38 weeks) so it's only logical that she would need more room. I know that once Penny gets here, I'll have the same feelings that I had with Emma, though; I would do it all over again in a heartbeat if Rory was willing. Just for the record, unless God has other plans, which he very well could, Penny will be the caboose to this Guthrie family train.  I still like to joke with Rory that we could always try one more time for a boy, but he's convinced it would be another girl, and as terrified as I think he is about having two girls, it would be a whole other ballgame to add a third girl in the mix!

As for our first girl, Emma is back to her normal, crazy self after her bout with an ear infection (that seems to be hitting every kid we know!) and strep throat a couple of weeks ago. I have feeling that as we get closer to Penny's arrival, we'll see more and more occurrences of her acting out and wanting to remain the center of attention. She's such a good helper around the house and, at daycare, I can see briefly how good she is with the other kids, but I think it will be a different story at home since she's used to being the only one. She's started to pretend like she's a baby and wanting Rory to carry her around like a little baby. She's also still pretending like she doesn't know how to do many things that's she's been able to do herself for months. I'm convinced it's not just an age thing but more of a change thing. Since our little scare a month ago, I've been trying really hard not to pick her up or overdo it (which is much easier said than done with an almost-three-year-old) so I know that she's picked up on the change. It'll be interesting to see how she copes once Penny is really here. I hope she stays her silly, loving self! I know she'll be a good big sister!

With my prayers that Penny cooperates, the only thing we can definitely count on is how crazy Alabama winters are! We were laughing today about how a week ago, we were watching people attempt to venture out on the ice and refrozen snow (hilarious, btw!) and today, I was enjoying wearing short sleeves and my chacos to get groceries! With my luck, we'll enjoy spring-like weather for another week or so and then it will start to get cooler and, inevitably, we'll have another snow event close to when Penny comes. I'm already ready for spring temps! There's nothing better than a t-shirt and flip flops :) You can never count on Alabama to be consistent though, so we'll just take it a day at a time.

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of your weekend and this Alabama heatwave we're experiencing!

God Bless!

1 more month!!!


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