A good kind of tired...I guess.

I don't think my body will ever get use to less than 9 hours of sleep...which is sad : (

It was pretty hard to roll out of bed yesterday and today after a pretty fun wkend. Rory and I spent the day at Smith Lake with some friends Sunday. Talk about much needed! Rory attempted to try to wakeboard (which is easier said than done) while I sat on the back of a wave runner and watched : ) We went up on Saturday night and spent the night with Shane and Candice and their two adorable kids! Jackson was a hoot (he's 4) talking to anyone who would listen. Sophie was, of course, the center of attention most of the time (she's 8 months). She's starting to smile more and its the cutest grin that you've ever seen! We spent most of the night just sitting and talking about random things and planning more things for the church group this summer. Since I've been back home from school, I've been really excited that the younger people at our church are getting together and doing more things together. Not that we exclude anyone that doesn't attend church with us, but it's good that we can all get closer and help encourage one another.

Sunday we went to church in Baldwin and had an amazing 3 hour service to God! The lesson was awesome! The preacher taught about music in the church, both instrumental and voice. He had very good points and some very interesting facts and quotes that I had never heard before. Then, we had a great lesson in Bible class on the Lord's supper. We spent pretty much the whole time talking about whether the attire of the men serving on the table should be regulated by the elders. The conclusion was that it shouldn't matter what someone is wearing; it shouldn't take away from your service to God unless its pretty blatant (i.e. someone with a Budweiser shirt or some guys pants hanging halfway to the ground...both kind of a distraction). We discussed how someone's 'Sunday Best' may be jeans and a nice shirt but that anothers may be a suit and tie. We should be concerned with someone's outfit when we are serving God.

After another hour of singing, we were ready for the lake! It was a little stormy at for the first hour, but that gave us enough time to grill out some hotdogs and enjoy! We spent most of the time swimming around the dock and then a couple hours wake boarding. It was so relaxing and just what we needed! And talk about a good workout! I felt like I just got done running a marathon after walking up and down about 100 stairs from the house down to the dock! But it definitely got me ready for some good sleep Sunday night when we got back!

Now starts another new work week. We have all the 'big-wig's' coming to our office this week so I have to be on time and dressed 'appropriately'. My usual work attire is jeans, a cute top and flip flops...our office is pretty casual : ) I'm already looking forward to next week when I can wear some jeans again haha!

God bless!


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