A little bit of everything : )

So life has continued in craziness as usual....

Last weekend, Rory and I traveled up to Tennessee to visit the in-laws...and get my new headboard! Rory's dad is a carpenter so he took two of the windows that were hanging in the tents at our wedding and made a headboard for me! It looks AMAZING! I have to work on painting it this weekend, but I promise pictures as soon as its done! We also took a trip down to Florence to attend a friend's wedding. This wedding season isn't as crazy busy as last years, but that just means its the calm before the storm : ) Everyone is planning for next year to be a big one, including Will and Audra! We were a tad late for this wedding (if you can say 45 min is a 'tad' late) cuz we didn't leave Mt. Pleasant on time and we neglected to take the invitation with us to verify the actually wedding time! Ha! Just a tip....if your husband says he's any less than 100% sure on a time for an event, don't believe him : )

This weekend is a little less eventful, but still a lot to get done! We made the mistake of waiting 3 weeks to mow our lawn so of course, its a jungle in both the back and the front. It wouldn't be so bad if we lived in the middle of nowhere, but all of Gardendale has to drive by our house so we figure its about time to clean it up. It took Rory 2 days to finish it but its finally done, and thats one less thing we have to spend time on this weekend! What we will be spending most of our time on tomorrow is the 'office'. Eventually it will be an office. As of right now, its cluttered with unopened wedding gifts, odds and ends of my stuff from college, papers, old bills, clothes, shoes, etc. We desperately have to organize it and get it looking like a real room. So many more house projects, so little money ; )

God bless!


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