The fine print really DOES matter....

So Rory and I have found out the hard way that all good things come with fine print....and it really DOES matter. : / We have currently come to the decision that we really need a car much more than we need to go to Greece in a year and a half, so we cancelled out Greece trip. Since we had already signed up and began making payments, we figured that since we purchased the insurance package (which said that your money would be refunded for any reason that you would not be able to go) we would get our money back....slight misunderstanding on our part. When we called to cancel, the tour company told us that they would cancel our trip but there would be a $300 early cancellation fee - missed that in the fine print. And that's $300 EACH! Since we'd already made a few payments, those covered the $300 fees, but that also meant no money back : ( So basically, we just ate $600....oh well.

After that small fiasco, Rory decided to call T-Mobile since his contract is suppose to be up at the end of this month. He called 2 months ago to see when exactly it ran up because he'll be joining me on Verizon. Well, someone at T-Mobile told him that his contract wasn't up until February, and with no explanation. So he called to confirm that the contract in fact ended in October (he had saved his original receipt....from 2 years ago....who does that?) and the guy from T-Mobile informed him that when he added data to his plan in February of 2010 that it had voided his original contract and began a new one that month....again, the fine print. He gave Rory the email of the complaint department, but that could take anywhere from a few weeks to a month to clear up....ugh!

Moral of the story....READ THE FINE PRINT!!!

On a happier note, we finally got Lily to where she doesn't have to be on a leash outside!!! She is doing SO good! She still likes to jump all over people (we're trying to break her of that using a spray bottle - just a quick spray in the face when she jumps up - and trust me, she knows when we grab that spray bottle we mean business!) and she really likes to chew whatever comes close to her mouth....but I'm sure she'll grow out of some of it. She'll be 7 months old this month! And she's growing like a weed! Not to mention, eating us out of house and home haha!

God bless!


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