26 weeks - Romans 8:28

This week has yet again been a blur! It started out very somber as we celebrated the life of a very dear man. I think I was more worried about Rory than anything else! Mr. Ray was such a big influence in Rory's life and I know how much he looked up to him. It was almost a relief that he isn't suffering any more but it was bitter sweet because our children won't get to know such an amazing man and Christian! In true Mr. Ray fashion, he had his funeral all planned out and even wrote his own eulogy! My poor dad had to read it but did a really good job getting through it without break down too much : ) That family has been such a blessing for everyone and we will miss Mr. Ray very much!

It's been really hard transitioning back to work after all the holidays and other happenings! I am still in the mindset of "I don't want to do anything but sit on the couch and veg". Which in all reality, I did more cleaning and housework this past week than vegging out. Don't get me wrong...I totally vegged out some! But I've also gotten myself in the habit (YAY!) of doing dishes everyday so that they don't pile up on me. So far, it has been a success! Although, I can't say the same for the laundry. Poor Emma will have no clothes growing up since her mom is too lazy to wash a load a day! Seriously, it is pretty hard when your laundry room is not a part of the house. And it's going to get even worse this coming week since we're expecting lows in the teens a couple nights in a row! I don't know about you, but carrying loads of laundry outside to the laundry room is not going to be high on my list!

No new symptoms this week unless you count feeling like a whale! I know, I know, I don't look it. But I FEEL it! Since Emma is pushing 2 lbs now, my stomach has grown quite a bit, as seen below : ) It kind of just popped out ; ) This has made doing just about everything harder and more uncomfortable. Putting on socks and shoes is a challenge (to say the least), it's harder to bend over, I run out of breath every time I have to go up and down stairs, and trying to sleep more than 6 hours has become a joke....seriously. My snoogle has been a lifesaver but I still have the urge to wake up and turn over every couple hours...which usually takes me a good 30 seconds to do now ; ) Plus, having to pee every hour on the hour is getting a little ridiculous! I've been doing really bad about keeping myself hydrated too so I can't even image how much more frequent the bathroom trips would be if I were getting the right amount of water! I've also still been battling the heartburn and now, the restless leg syndrome : / I have a feeling that my third trimester (which starts in a week!) is going to be quite uncomfortable. Hopefully, it won't seem long and I can get through it like a champ and get my baby girl in no time!

Rory and I have also been UBER blessed to now have the majority of the "big stuff" for Emma! We picked up her travel system and bathtub that my grandmother and uncle and aunt bought for her. Rory's pretty proud of the stroller (although I put it together) and likes to show off how easy it is to use lol. I have a feeling he's ganna be a pretty epic dad : ) The next few weeks will be getting her room cleared out (it's our catch-all room right now) and getting ready to get her crib and dresser set up. It's all starting to get real and I know that once we have her room set up, it will really hit me then!

Our New Years was pretty laid back this year. It felt more like a typical Friday night rather than New Years. We got to watch the ball drop on TV at 11 and then I waited until 12 to tell Rory Happy New Year and then I was out like a light! I woke up the next morning to the realization that this year will bring a lot of change for Rory and I. We will be parents in a little over 3 months!!! What the what?! It's getting real...I think the new year brought a lot of realism for Rory and I as we talked about how we were going to be parents and all the things we still have left to do before she gets here!

Wednesday was pretty laid back as well....got a lot of housework done, took down all the Christmas decorations (basically, the tree and stockings since I was a little bit of a procrastinator this year) and just vegged out. This weekend will likely be a lot of the same : )

Hope everyone had a great New Years!

14 weeks to go!

God Bless!


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