30 weeks - Jeremiah 29:11

Talk about your busted week....

Unless you live under a rock, or just don't care to watch what's going on in the nation, Alabama got slammed with some pretty nasty winter weather this week. Now, usually, the threat of even a single flurry would throw the entire city into a frenzy of crazy people buying up all the milk and bread produced in the last 6 months. Sadly, that did not happen. Our trusty weather people botched this one....but hey, they're only human. And they happen to have one of the luckiest jobs in the world in that you can be totally wrong and have no danger of losing your job. It was all suppose to be south of I-20 around Montgomery and even the beach. Montgomery and the beach did get a good spanking but Birmingham bore the brunt.

True, it wouldn't have been as bad had the city been prepared. No sand trucks. No schools let out until it was too late. Business stayed open until the last possible second. And what do you get? A mass exodus of schools and businesses and total idiots who don't know how to drive on ice and snow. I'm sure you've read articles about how it wasn't just the snow....and it really wasn't people. You try driving on snow covered roads that flash freeze as soon as one car drives over it! It totally looked like a scene out of the Walking Dead! Cars abandoned everywhere, people walking down the interstates and highways...kinda creepy.

Rory and I got lucky, though. I was completely prepared to spend the night at my office, but by the grace of God, a lady I work with that lives in Gardendale, happened to have a four wheel drive car and offered to give me a ride home. We swung by the Target on Lakeshore where Rory abandoned the truck and we were off to brave the roads with about a million other people! It's actually pretty nice living on the north side of town, because SO many people live on the south side and that's where all the problems were. We got home safe and sound after a two and a half hour drive and a half mile trek up our road to our house. And we were blissfully stuck for a day and a half : ) We were able to get out yesterday and retrieve our cars and by the time we made it back to Gardendale, the roads had just about all cleared up from the nice warm up to 46 degrees!

Let me just tell you now....hiking anywhere while pregnant is a chore. Hiking somewhere on ICE is a completely different story! Since we only live less than a mile from Walmart, we decided to make the walk down Tuesday night to get some dinner since we had cereal and sandwich stuff...and that's it. Rory and Colby weren't too keen on either option (I so could have eaten cereal everyday for breakfast, lunch and dinner!) so we bundled up and slid on down to Wally World - literally. The roads were already frozen over and the Walmart parking lot might as well have been an ice skating rink! It didn't hit me until about half way across that if I fall, I better fall on my behind because this belly does NOT need to hit the ground. Not only would I harm myself and potentially my baby, but there would be no WAY that emergency people could get to me with all the ice everywhere! Therefore, I took every step EXTREMELY slowly, to the point that Rory was giving me this look lol : ) After that trip, there was no more hiking in the snow and ice for me. Rory and Colby went and got everything else on Wednesday that we still needed.

So after a nice relaxing day at home on Wednesday and a pretty crazy day of working from home some and going to get our cars Thursday, Friday seemed a welcomed relief back to normalcy! If only...Thursday night was one of those "calm before the storm" type nights. Started off great with finishing my baby registry at Target, a romantic dinner date to Stix (which I am beyond excited that I no longer have an aversion to oriental food!), and an impromptu trip to get a new band for Rory (since he lost his first one lol). Next was another last minute trip to some friends where we watched a hilariously crazy movie and had some good talks. All was going well....too well. What do we discover upon arrival to our home? Why, it was a flooded utility room! We experienced this a few months ago when our water heater busted. My first thought was "Oh no! This is a new water heater!" Then, upon further investigation, a constant drip coming from my washer was pretty obvious. Oh goody....more home improvement. Rory and I both stood there in disbelief and I couldn't help but laugh. God knows just when to humble you! Thankfully, we have the money to replace the washer so I will be getting a new washer today! Just what I always wanted! ; )

Along with a new washer, we are also getting a new roof....as I type this! They were originally suppose to come out and put it on Tuesday, but we all see how that turned out ; ) So they started bright and early this morning at 6:45! The sooner, the better though! It's a good thing, because it's suppose to rain this weekend, so the rain will get to meet my new roof : )

No new symptoms this week. Just a continuation of all the lovely symptoms from last week. From what I can tell, E has still not turned. She is still practicing her kickboxing on my bladder...and getting pretty good at it ; ) My next doctor's appointment is Tuesday and I will get to see her again, so I'm pretty stoked about that! Hopefully, she'll decided that she doesn't much like to have her head in my ribs and turn a flip. Here's praying....

It totally hit me again last night that we are almost single digits away from meeting E. 10 weeks people! (or less, but lets just leave the less out of it) We still have SO much to do! I plan on taking tomorrow morning and getting some storage bins and FINALLY finishing cleaning out her room. Then, it will just be a matter of getting her "closets" painted and ordering her furniture : ) Then, it will get REALLY real! I'm so excited but I'm also terrified! It's an odd feeling...and I like it : )

I hope everyone has stayed safe this week and is now enjoying family time at home (if you got stuck out in the snowpocalypse!)

10 weeks!

God bless!


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