27 weeks - Joshua 1:9

Hello third trimester! Here's hoping it's at least half as enjoyable as my second ;) I have to say, the second trimester was great! I finally started to look pregnant, the nausea finally quit, and I have started to gain weight. Granted, it hasn't been all that much fun getting fat but a good trade off has been getting to feel my baby girl moving like crazy :) I'm so ready for her to be here now!

This past week has been one of those weeks where I am THOROUGHLY looking forward to 12 weeks off starting in April. I know that I will be much busier during that time than I am now sitting in front of a computer, but the work I do then will be so much more enjoyable : )

Last week was just a teaser at work....the calm before the storm. Now it's back to "I need this now", "Why haven't my materials shipped?", "What is taking you guys so long?" Seriously? It's 10 days into the month of January. Everyone is still recovering from the hangovers of gluttony and laziness. Not to mention, the difficulty of prying ourselves out of our nice warm beds to brave the single digit temps earlier this week! It was hilarious to hear my reps from California talking about the "cool" temps they were getting in the 60s....psh...yeah.

Although the cold was ridiculous for Alabama, the weather wasn't as bad as everyone was anticipating. Granted, the south is not use to temperatures below about 40 in January, so waking up Tuesday morning and seeing the temp in Birmingham at 8 was quite comical. 8....really? And with a wind chill of -5 along with that. Sorry, I didn't know that my house had pulled a Wizard of Oz and moved to Greenland! Thanks be to God that my job is inside. I felt horrible for the people stuck outside : ( Thankfully, Bham opened up several warming shelters for people to get in during the cold. It felt bad enough being outside for the 2.5 seconds it took to walk to my car. I can only imagine the strength you would have to have to brave that looking for food and shelter....

So now we're thoroughly enjoying the 60 degree temps this weekend...seriously. For those not from the south, this is typical Alabama weather. Freezing temps one week and warm spring weather the next week. Who knows...we may get some snow the next week! I'm not complaining because it has helped this prego lady not get too hot! Now if I can just get my husband to keep the heater in our room off and the thermostat on 69, we'll be good : )

I'm not sure if it's the weather or being pregnant - maybe a little bit of both - but my sinuses have been kicking my butt this past week! I wake up every morning stuffy and unable to breath...not a good combo when you run out of breath quickly doing just about everything. I just have to laugh when I think about how singing has now become a challenge at church because I run out of breath so fast so I'm only able to sing a few lines and then have to catch my breath! I know it will only get worse the bigger I get.

Emma is still moving like crazy! No painful kicks as of yet, but I can tell she's not able to move around as much since she's running out of room. I'm getting use to her moving a good bit so when she stops, I get worried. I'm totally going to be that pregnant lady that calls the doctor every 5 seconds in my third trimester and asks all kinds of questions about whats normal. I've also been experiencing that lovely symptom of bleeding gums....it freaked me out a little bit the first time I brushed my teeth and spit red. But then I remembered reading in one of the many blogs I've read that pregnancy can make your gums uber-sensitive and that its totally normal. So now, I'm just trying to remind myself that I'm not brushing too hard and that it's just another beautiful symptom of growing a human.

I'm also now a new member of the outie belly button club! Half my belly button has been poking out ever so slightly but now, it's officially out. It's weird to look in a mirror and see this little button poking out of my shirt...and it's just one more thing that freaks Rory out! Seriously, this boy cracks me up! Everything about me being pregnant freaks him out! I mess with him all the time when he's sitting playing video games by walking up and putting my belly on his arm. He laughs and jumps up acting like she's just kicked him across the room! Now he just stares at my belly with this look of complete weirdness and laughs. As much as I have enjoyed being pregnant, I'll enjoy it more when my husband doesn't act like I have an alien in me. I know that he'll love this little girl more than anyone (besides me, of course) when she gets here but its still pretty funny! It'll be a good story to tell Emma when she gets older : )

This week is my 28 week appointment and I'm dreading having to take the glucose test but hopeful that I only have to take the one hour :) I'm already hypoglycemic so one of the doctor's is convinced that I won't have a problem...yeah, we'll see. I REALLY don't want to have to take the three hour test :/ I've been there, done that and got a tshirt...let's just hope that my body decides to cooperate and I can pass this thing the first time!

13 weeks to go!

God bless!


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