
With my baby turning 6 weeks old and my best friend just 12 short weeks away from meeting her son, I find myself looking back to just a few months ago when I was waiting on little miss E to get here. 

I remember thinking "could this get any more uncomfortable?!" and "how could I possibly get any bigger?!" I also remember seeing her for the first time and thinking "I would so do that again in a second!" It's so weird how, when you meet your child for the first time, you forget all the morning sickness, back aches, swelling, and general miserableness that comes with waiting the better part of a year for this tiny human to come into your life. It's also weird how that nine months seems like nothing when they finally do arrive when you could have sworn halfway through it that it was never going to end! ;)

Since she's been here, there have been many sleepless nights, explosive diapers, and lots of wardrobe changes for mommy and Emma from surprise spitups. But I wouldn't trade those for anything :) Being a mommy is the most exhausting, stressful and rewarding job I've ever had. Seeing my baby grow and change every day is more than enough proof for me that God is real! Not that I doubted, but it's just amazing how this soul didn't exist this time last year and now, a year later, she's an entire human being with a growing personality!

I try not to think about how I only have two more weeks before I have to go back to work :( I'll be blessed to be able to stay with her two days a week until at least August (maybe longer depending on how daycare works out) and my mom will be keeping her the other three days but I know I will miss my baby something terrible! She's just now starting to be awake more and be more active. Sometimes, I wish I could go back to the beginning and start over the last six weeks...and then I realize sometimes I can get a full 6 uninterrupted hours of sleep and I think, nah ;)

If I was ever in doubt of God's plans and how everything works together for the good of those that love Him, I only need to take a look at the last six weeks: Rory and I were blessed with becoming parents to the most beautiful baby girl; doctors found a tumor that would have undoubtedly ended Rory's dad's life within a year and were able to remove it and give us more time; Rory now has the opportunity to work doing the job he is finishing school for;

I'm trying to soak in every minute that I have with Emma before I go back to work and with her being this little because I know that time will pass so quickly and I'll soon be reminiscing back to these days, although I know it will only get more fun and exciting as she grows and changes. I can't live in the past but I'm beyond blessed to have the memories :)

Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day! I'm so blessed to have celebrated my first with an amazing husband and a perfect daughter :)

God Bless!


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