Double Digits

Miss E has made it to double digits today! Ten weeks! It's crazy how fast the time has gone...and I know it only goes faster the older she gets. It won't be long and she'll be walking and talking. But until then, I'm enjoying her just the way she is now :)

The past week has been a little less enjoyable though. We've experienced the fussy days post-shots...twice. Monday was Emma's first round of one oral vaccine and two shots and then Friday was round two of the last shot. It was just enough time for her to have a sleepy day the day after and then two horribly fussy days right after that. Saturday was her sleepy day 2 and then yesterday and today were horrible fussy days. I'm really hoping that we're in the clear after today, if not for Rory and me, then definitely for my mom! She's kept her today and will be keeping her tomorrow and Wednesday due to a meeting I have at work tomorrow so I'm REALLY hoping she has a much better day tomorrow.

Even with the fussiness and short catnaps, I still love my baby girl! I catch myself looking at pictures on my phone all day at work and missing her like crazy! It's been nice being able to work from home two days a week and keep her but it's proven to be a challenge for sure! I have to rush to get things done while she's asleep (which usually doesn't last very long) and then I have one hour "breaks" when I feed her, play with her, and then try and put her back down for another nap. It's not so bad if I'm not right in the middle of something when she wakes up to nurse ;)

Emma had another road trip this weekend to Caledonia, MS for her cousins' birthday party. Jackson turned 4 and Rook was 1. It was such a cute party complete with pony rides! Of course, everyone loved getting to see Emma :) A lot of people there had not seen her yet so needless to say, she was a hit :) We couldn't outshine the birthday boys though (and half-birthday girl, Mary Frances!) They got a good haul of toys and books and even a hammock from their Gaga and Big R! They were a hoot :) I know Emma will be just as fun and crazy when she's that age!

The past ten weeks has been a fun, crazy, stressful blurr and I am so excited to see what the next ten hold for us and Miss E! I'm praying that it's full of longer night's sleep for mama and daddy and a happier, less fussy baby :)

Hope everyone has a great week and try and stay cool and dry!

God bless!


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