Sickly baby

Miss E has decided to ring in 11 weeks with a cold :( It tears me up that I can't do anything about it either! She's too young for over-the-counter meds so it's a matter of letting it run it's course as long as there's no fever. Thankfully, we've been doing all the things the doctor recommended; cool air humidifier, elevate her when she sleeps, suction out the snot, etc. She seems to be pretty content during the day but the last couple of nights of back to 5 hours of straight sleep is taking more of a toll on Rory and me than her. I guess I broke rules #1 & 2 of the mommy code: sleep when she goes to sleep and don't count on a routine this early...

I was so spoiled by last weeks run of 7-8 hours straight of sleep a night that I just assumed that would be the norm until her next growth spurt at the end of the month....rule #2 broken. Then I foolishly figured if I got her back on her routine of a bath and swaddle after her last feeding that she would start back with sleeping at least 7 hours after this weekend and didn't go to sleep until an hour and a half after she did last night....rule #1 broken. That resulted in only 4 hours straight of sleep and then another 3 broken hours between getting up to put her paci back in and put her back to sleep from her coughing or sneezing it out of her mouth and waking up. Needless to say, last night was rough. But this too shall pass :)

In other milestone news, Emma has found her hands :) with all that excess drool and her constant need to suck on something, she has now found that she has these extensions of herself that can grab and bring things to her mouth to chew on or suck. 

This was her figuring out that her blanket is quite yummy :) It won't be much longer and she'll be pulling EVERYTHING to her mouth. Then it'll get real fun cuz teeth won't be far behind. My baby is growing up too fast :(

Emma attended her first baseball game on Friday night too! She did so good! This was pre-cold, of course. She has gone back to being so content (except when she's overtired) and she's so much fun now that she can interact :) she's a pretty happy baby all around, thank goodness! She didn't mind being around all those people and we enjoyed watching most of the Barons game. We obviously didn't stay all 14 innings but it was good to be able to get out and get her out and use to being in big crowds. Next stop, a Braves game!

Lord willing, this cold won't last long and our baby girl will be back to her "normal" self in no time! Hope everyone stays cool in this early-summer heat wave! ;)

God bless!


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