New routines

Emma is now 9 weeks old....9 WEEKS! How is that possible?! She is getting so big and growing so fast! She's starting to get such a cute little personality (a little diva-ish) and is starting to be a lot of fun....and all at the same time I have to start back to work :(

It's been a change but the transition hasn't been as hard as I was anticipating, thank goodness! Last week was my first week back to work. It wasn't all that bad considering I only went in two days and then worked from home on Friday. I'll say that working from home was a lot more challenging. I don't feel that I get a lot done at work with all the craziness going on in the company right now, but I feel like I get even less done taking care of a two month old! I did get to do what I was assigned but it took all day of working, feeding, rocking, working, feeding, rocking, etc. Thankfully, she slept good for me during the day so I was able to work some :) Tomorrow will be another story altogether :/

Today was E's two month checkup...and two month vaccinations :( everything looked great according to the doc and she was a whopping 8 lbs 12 oz; up a whole pound in a month ;) she had grown almost 2 inches since her one month so that was good. She'll still be a shorty though ;) So the dreaded time for shots came and I knew that I would be a basket case for a minute. It made it worse that I had to hold her hands down as the nurse gave her shots :( And naturally, they were out of stock on one of the shots so we'll have to go back later this week to get that one...oh yay. I'll admit that I'm a little nervous about tomorrow. I've delt with her being fussy more than usual lately but I think that was more attributed to being that age but tomorrow could be a whole new level of fussy...praying that we both make it through!

Hope everyone is enjoying their beginning of summer! Here's hoping it's not an unbearably hot one! I especially hope it's not hot for my best friend Rachel, who is expecting her son the beginning of August...bless it. It's going to be so hot! But I know that none of that will matter once Mister Garrett is here! Another friend for Emma! I also finally got to meet another future friend of Emma's, Mollie! She was so cute and reminded me so much of Emma, which just made me wish that I had taken her with me to Rachel's baby shower in Tuscumbia this weekend. She'll have plenty of chances to see everyone though :) especially once Garrett arrives!

Hope everyone has a great rest of the week!

God Bless!


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