Fast 14

Emma is growing by leaps and bounds these days! She seems to discover something new or learn something new every day! It's exciting for all of us but sad for me at the same baby is growing up :( Sometimes I tear up thinking about how fast these past 14 weeks have gone by. I'm trying to enjoy every moment but I also find myself wishing away the bad ones...I need to just take in all of them because I know I'll miss every single moment when she's much older, even the tough ones.

Call us crazy, but we're starting her on a schedule now. With daycare in the very near future, we want her to be in a comfortable and predictable schedule now so it can hopefully be an easy transition from my mom to the daycare. We've been on a loose one for a long time but since this weekend when she started sleeping more during the day and reverting back to newborn sleeping habits at night, we decided to try out a timed schedule. Keep in mind, it's not super rigid because three month olds still make their own schedule but she's picked up on it pretty well. She's been sleeping 7 1/2 - 8 hours the last several nights which has made putting her on a timed schedule that much easier :) I'm always prepared for the worst though, just in case she decides to throw another 'wake every three hours' night at us in the near future. 

We've started her on a little bit of rice cereal with her last feeding and she's taken it like a champ! She sucks down that one ounce bottle like there's no tomorrow so I'll venture to say that she likes it :) 

She's also now discovered her feet. She becomes so mesmerized by them when I'm changing her diaper and is grabbing at them and trying to bring them to her mouth (which is where most everything ends up these days). She hasn't yet figured out a laugh yet, but it's so close I think we'll hear it in the next week or so :)

Another new thing...teething :/ This is a not so fun one for all three of us. She'll get so fussy and scream if you try to put something in her mouth for her to chew or suck on so we're trying to figure out what we can do to give her a little bit of relief. And speaking of relief, the smell that comes from that girl's diapers these days is atrocious!!! Everyone tried to warn us about teething diapers but until you witness one, you can't even begin to imagine :/ We'll all get through it alive though but I'm hoping this tooth comes quick so she won't suffer long. 

Not much new on Rory and my's front other than some much better sleep the last couple of nights. We're planning on going to six flags in a week and a half and I am so excited but I know I'll miss Emma all day :( My mom will be keeping her so I know she'll be good but I've started to miss her so much more lately. And trying to pump enough milk for an entire day for her has been crazy! Now I can sympathize with milking cows lol Even though she sleeps through the night, the best time for me to pump to get the most milk is in the middle of the night :/ Needless to say, I'm still averaging 4-5 hours straight. One day I'll get my 8 hours back...maybe when she's grown and out of the house ;)

For now, we're all still adjusting to our new, ever-changing life. It's an adventure for sure but I wouldn't want to live it with anybody else but my two loves :)

Hope everyone had a good 4th of July weekend! Back to the grind!

God Bless!


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