Sweet 17

I seriously can't believe my baby is 17 weeks old and that she'll be 4 months on Thursday! Where did the time go?! Seriously, if someone knows, please tell me so I can get it back...

Miss E is getting more and more active and her personality is really starting to come out. Unfortunately, I think she's ganna be a little diva with quite a temper :/ She's pretty happy most of the time but when she gets mad, watch out! She will turn beet red and scream at the top of her lungs. Most of the time now, she's only doing it because she hates being in her car seat or she's super tired and just wants to sleep. Her naps have become sporadic at best...I don't think it will be much longer before she skips to just a couple long naps a day. As long as she continues to sleep 8-8 1/2 hours at night, I'm good with whatever she wants to do :)

In milestone news, we missed seeing her roll over for the first time :( She's been sleeping on her stomach at night (and sleeping all night, I might add) and last week and again this morning, I walked in to find her rolled over to her back or side! She still hates tummy time so I figure if she's learned how to roll over in her bed, no need in torturing her any further :) She looked so adorable holding her lamby this morning all curled up on her side. She'll be a side or tummy sleeper like her mama for sure!

Still no progress on the giggle but she's talking a lot these days and has been gurgling for weeks. I almost think that might be her "giggle" cuz she does it right after she smiles really big and then continues to do it several times after that. I know the giggle will come with time :)

Only a couple more weeks and then she'll be off to daycare. This mama is starting to get nervous :/ I know she'll be taken care of but I worry that she's use to having so much attention and with other kids around, Ms Cindi won't be able to give her the attention that Reesee or I do :/ Plus, she seems to be super clingy and a mama's girl right now so that'll be interesting. She's spending the day on a farm in Corner today with some friends from church while my mom gets some work done with their new principal. Leaving her was hard because as soon as she realized I was leaving, it was meltdown central! I know she'll be ok and she'll eventually get that I'm coming back later, but it hurts my heart when she gets so upset :(

Pray that the next two weeks go by slowly so my mom and I can have a happy baby to take care of. Then pray for strength for everyone as she starts daycare!

God bless!


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