Growing, growing, growing!

Emma had many firsts this past week for her 15th "birthweek" :)

She had her first golf outing! We decided to go with Rory and Corey one day when they went to play in Morris and she did great! She was awake for most of the front 9 and then was exhausted from watching daddy and Corey so took a good nap on the back 9 :)

She also gave us a peek at her first giggle!!! I was getting ready to give her a bath Thursday night and she was smiling so big as I was talking to her and all of a sudden a small giggle came out! I was so excited that I yelled for Rory to come in her room and she gave him another tiny one :) She doesn't realize that she can do it yet so those couple were the only ones we've heard so far, but once she realizes that she can make noise come out when she grins, it will be so much fun from there on out! Not that it's not already ;)

We've also graduated from the snoogle! (For the most part, anyways) She has always hated sleeping on her back and slept the best on her side but since she can't roll over yet and she's not quite able to hold herself on her side, we've been rolling up my snoogle pillow and putting her in that to sleep. It's been a life saver so far, but now she's such a wiggle worm when she sleeps that she slides down in the middle of it and ends up underneath it. Needless to say, it freaks me out in the mornings when I walk in and can't see her at first. So this weekend, we worked on napping on our tummy since the back and side are currently no-gos...and she did amazing! She slept so good when she got to nap yesterday that I figured we'd give it a try for bedtime. This also meant no swaddling since she uses her hands to prop herself up if she needs to on her tummy. This was my peaceful view for about and hour and 30 minutes (11:45 pm) before waking #1 happened...

Then it was right back to sleep once her paci was in her mouth and she didn't wake up until 3! Then she was back to sleep for a short 45 minutes (enough time for me to do my early morning pump) and then she thought it was a good time to play...not the same thought that I had, unfortunately. From there, it was a 30 minute fight between the two of us...I knew she wanted to sleep more but she didn't think so. Eventually, she gave it up and gave up on the fact that I wasn't going to hold her and bounce her for a whole hour while she fell into a deep sleep (we're working on putting her down while she's drowsy so she'll learn how to put herself to sleep...sometimes it works, sometimes, not so much). She then slept until 5:15 and then I was the one that gave it up and set up her snoogle so she could curl up on her side and sleep. I'd say it worked cuz she slept until 7 after that. I know she won't just decide that sleeping on her stomach is the way to go overnight so I'm going to suck it up and work on it with her all this week. I'm good as long as I can get at least 4 straight hours of sleep. Then, a few hours of interrupted sleep isn't so bad :) so tonight will be round #2 of tummy sleep! Wish us luck!

So Rory and I ended up not going to six flags on Saturday after all. Everyone bailed on us so we decided to go on a "day date" to see 22 Jump Street and eat at Mugshots (btw, best burgers EVER!). It was just what we needed :) My mom was gracious enough to keep Emma for us while we were out. It was weird not having her there but we enjoyed spending some time with just each other :)

Not much else going on. We plan on making a day trip to Muscle Shoals this weekend to visit Mr Garrett Reid Agee :) I'm so excited for my bestie and I know that she's going to be the best mommy! I can't wait to see her in action! ;)

God bless!


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