29 weeks

Miss Emma is now 29 weeks old! Anyone else in disbelief at how fast this year is going by?!

E can now sit up by herself for a few seconds at a time and gets so frustrated that she can't move yet. It's so cute and sad at the same time that she gets so mad but I'm trying to take it all in because I know it won't be long and she'll be mobile and there'll be no going back then!

She is doing so good at eating her veggies and I hope she continues to like them! She LOVES her green beans and squash. She can't even wait until the spoon gets to her so she has to lurch forward with her mouth wide open lol! She's also had sweet potatoes and we'll be trying some carrots this week. She's also upped her formula intake to 7 oz in each bottle four times a day! You can definitely tell it in her cheeks that's she's becoming a little chunk :) 

She's changing everyday and it makes me sad sometimes when I think back on only 6 months ago when she was a newborn. She was so tiny and perfect. She's still perfect and little but she has this whole personality all her own and it's so exciting to see her grow and change. It's bittersweet...

As we get closer to the holidays, I get so excited to see what she'll think about her first Christmas and the new traditions that we'll start. It'll also be our last Christmas with my parents in alabama. They are close to finding a place in Columbus and, while I'm excited for the opportunity and journey that they are about to embark on, I'll be sad that they won't be just 15 minutes away anymore. They'll be back to visit frequently (more Emma than the rest of us) so it won't be long stretches of not seeing them. I am super excited to be upgrading to more room too! We'll be "borrowing" their house while they're gone so I'll finally have a closet that I don't have to share with Emma! And we won't have to tip toe in the mornings to get ready with Emma's room right next to us! :)

I haven't given an update on Rory's dad in a while but we got some of the best news possible a couple weeks ago. His body scan showed no cancer!!! He didn't have to undergo chemo like we originally thought so we all breathed a sigh of relief! Prayer really does work people! God has given us more time and we plan on taking advantage of that as much as we can! He'll have a brain scan next month to check the spot they cleared six months ago and make sure there's no new growths up there. We're constantly praying for good news! This kind of cancer is so unpredictable so there's not telling what's going to happen next but with God's guidance, we'll always have a plan.

I hope everyone has been enjoying this perfect fall weather! Let's hope it stays for a while!

God bless!


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