Reality check

These past couple of weeks have been somewhat bitter sweet. We've made it to 28 weeks with our beautiful, silly girl.

I am holding her a little tighter and longer lately because it seems like tragedy has been too close for comfort. A couple weeks ago, some family friends lost their one year old after an accident at home. I immediately wanted to run home and hold Emma and just cry for hours and thank God for my baby. Then last Monday, a friend and co-worker lost her 16 week old. That hit even closer because we loved sharing experiences that Emma and Jamie were going through since they were somewhat close in age. I went through phases of extreme sadness, guilt, and longing to hold my baby all day. I know that God will hold these families close and give them strength and comfort but I can't even begin to imagine, nor do I want to, the pain of losing a child. I hurt for them but I thank God more now that I have Emma and that she is here and healthy. We are all just a moment away from the next life but having this kind of reality check makes you realize even more what life is really all about and why we're all here. God doesn't want us to focus on the here and now. He wants us to be striving for an eternity with Him. 

Emma will most definitely be raised to know her God and what He has done for us, both in our physical blessings and in the most important blessing of giving His Son as our sacrifice. She even went to her very first bible class last Sunday! Her Momo has started an under 2 class which I will be helping with along with another mom at church. They're really just learning how to be in a class but I'm more excited that she'll start to learn bible songs and some bible stories while she learns how to be in a class. Let's hope she learns how to be in other classes without me in there too.

Emma recently recovered from her 4th cold too. I'm starting to learn that being in daycare translates to "your child will get anything and everything that everyone has or will have." It wasn't too terribly bad but it hurt me that I couldn't do anything to help her breath better so she could eat :/ And I totally broke down and got one of those "nose Frieda" things...let me just say, I was totally one of those moms who started out as a skeptic thinking it would be totally nasty to try and suck your baby's boogers out through a straw-like thing, but it works! For real! I can clear her nose out so much better using that and you can actually see when you've got a good enough amount to stop (as gross as that sounds, you other mommies know what I'm talking about.)

E got a great report at her 6 month checkup last week! She had gained 8 oz and grew an inch and a half in two weeks! 

She's still under he 5th percentile for height and weight but her doctor isn't at all concerned because she's grown so much since putting her on straight formula. He even gave us the green light to start baby food! She had her first taste of sweet potatoes on Sunday :) Lets just say it was a hilarious sight! She liked them but couldn't quite figure out that she couldn't suck on the spoon like she does a bottle. She had sweet potatoes all over her face in a matter of seconds. It was too cute! I've also discovered that she LOVES banana flavor! She tried some banana puffs this weekend too and couldn't get enough :)

She did great with her shots too! Bless her little heart, she had to get 4 :( We added the flu shot because we're headed into flu season and she's just old enough to get it. She was good a minute after getting them and didn't have too bad of a reaction the days after. She was super sleepy on Friday but did really good Saturday and Sunday! She even broke her previous sleep record Saturday night! She slept from 9:30 until 8:45!!! It made this mama very happy! At least until those teeth decide to stop being stubborn and come on thru...

Hope everyone stays safe in the storms!

God bless!


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