Thankful 8!

E's now 8 months old! Can you believe it?! It's going by so fast but we are all enjoying every minute of it. 

E celebrated her first big holiday last week. She was a trooper and even got to try real sweet potatoe casserole! She couldn't get enough of it! Too bad for her, Rory and I are not fans of sweet potatoes so she'll just have to wait to enjoy it on thanksgivings ;)

She's growing and changing so much that sometimes I wish we could go back to when she was a newborn...but then I come back to my senses and remember how much I enjoy her sleeping 10+ hours at night so I can sleep ;) She's now able to sit up by herself and she's trying to sit up from an inclined position so it won't be too much longer before we'll have to lower the crib mattress. We're a little ways out but I'm still waiting on when I look in the monitor and she sitting up looking at the camera. That'll be sure to freak me out the first time lol. She's also much more chatty. I'm certain that's she's going to be the kid who won't shut up and gets in trouble for talking too much in school ;)

She also cut her first tooth this weekend!

I didn't realize it until she bit me at church and it actually hurt but it explained why she was so ill on Saturday. She couldn't be soothed for anything and it kills me that the thought never even crossed my mind that it might be a tooth! I know there's not much I could have done but it still hurts my heart to see her so upset :( So now we're waiting for the other one...I expect it will probably break through in the next week or so. It just confirms further that my baby is growing up :(

Another confirmation of time flying is my impending birthday next week...I'll be 25 for the 4th time, if anyone was wondering ;) It seems like after 21, time just starts fast forwarding. After 25, you tend to lose track of how old you are. On more than one occasion, I've forgotten how old I was and had to count from my birth year to the current year. I'm sure it only gets worse from here until 30, then it's just depressing to think about how old you are. But it's also a constant reminder of how lucky I am to have been blessed with this many years and how many blessings I have received in the 25+3 years that I've been granted to live. I have an amazing, loving, Godly husband that I've been blessed to know for 6 1/2 years, a beautiful daughter, two wonderful families that love and care for my little family, and bookoos of spiritual family and friends all over that have shaped me into what I am today. I am so forever grateful for every blessing! I will be a tad materialistic now and say that I would still really love a new bedroom suite to go in our "new" (to us) house at the beginning of the year ;)

Speaking of, mom and dad got the house they wanted in GA! They will be moving the week after Christmas so that means Rory and I need to get packing! I will miss my parents a lot but the dishwasher and tons of closet space we'll be getting will help curb some of the pain ;) jk. We'll still see them a good bit and it'll just be one more new place we can escape to for a mini vaca to visit family :)

Hope everyone is enjoying their first week of December and working off the last of that turkey coma.

God bless!


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