Growing, growing, gone!

Here I am, yet again, behind on my "weekly" blog posts. It's a tad harder to stay on schedule with a 3 year old and a 7 week old ;)

First things first, our first baby turned three Friday!!! How does that even happen so fast?! Most days, dealing with Penny takes me back to when Emma was this little and I feel like it was literally yesterday! My friend was gracious enough to keep Penny for me for the day so that Emma and I could spend the whole day together, just the two of us. She had a brief meltdown in the car when we dropped Penny off because she wanted her to go with us. I pray that she keeps that love for her sister! Then it was off to the Birmingham Zoo! We got there at the absolute perfect time! There weren't many people there yet so we walked right up the window to buy our tickets to get in and to ride the train. We saw the lions and tigers first and then made our way around to the elephants and giraffes. Emma wasn't too keen on the giraffes because they were right in the middle of feeding time where you can feed them yourself so they were REALLY close. She loves the idea of animals, as long as they're far away lol! We then walked to the primate and reptile areas and then rode the train. She LOVED the train! She was really mad when we had to get off because she wanted to keep riding it. Unfortunately, I had only bought one ride for each of us so I had to endure a disappointed pout for a few minutes while we walked to the hippos and rhinos. We then made our way back to the exit to go get some lunch but had to take a small detour when Emma saw the splash pad at the front entrance and wanted her plastic mermaid to play in the water. She told everyone that she was "playing" in the water, but she really just stood on the edge and threw her mermaid in the water that was sitting on the outer edge of the splash pad :P She made sure she didn't get any closer to the water spouts lol!

Once I was finally able to pry her away from the splash pad and out of the zoo, we made a stop by McD's for some "french i's" and went by ToysRUs to pick up her birthday present from Rory and me, plus a little something she just couldn't leave without ;) She loves PJ Masks so as soon as she saw Owlette and the Owl Glider, she just had to have it! She has since taken Owlette everywhere and shows everyone her new toy! I'm glad she loves it so much. I just hope she likes to use her tball set that Rory and I got her just as much! We made another quick stop by Publix on our way to Roger and Tonya's house to pick up a cookie cake for E and then we spent the evening celebrating the birthday girl! She made sure that we didn't forget that it was HER birthday lol! She was walking around singing Happy Birthday to herself! What a stinker ;) We'll be having another small family dinner for her tomorrow night so she'll get a few more things then, not that she NEEDS anything.

As for our other little girl, this week has been, let's just say, a new experience for us all. Miss P has had a time dealing with reflux since she was born, but this week, it came to a head. Up until now, Penny would eat just fine but after finishing her bottles (or nursing prior to a couple of weeks ago), she would stiffen up and arch her back and get fussy. It wasn't unmanageable but I could tell she was uncomfortable so we would give her some gripe water and all would be ok after a few minutes. In the past week, she's been through an entire bottle of gripe water and I even started adding some rice cereal to her bottles to see if it would help with the increasing amounts of spit up and increasing discomfort. Those remedies helped for a little bit, but the reflux decided to kick it into high gear and make my baby completely miserable, which made this mama miserable! The last couple of days have been rough with P refusing to eat more than a couple of ounces of formula at a time and screaming for no less than 20 minutes after eating, trying to get comfortable. My dirty laundry has increased as a result of the reflux as well since Penny goes through at least two or three outfits a day and one burp cloth for every one or two feedings. I finally had enough yesterday and called the doctor to get Miss P some medicine. He called her in some liquid zantac, and since yesterday afternoon, she's a new kid! She still has some discomfort but it's nothing compared to what it has been! I'm hoping we can see some better sleep during the day and at night from the medicine too!

She's following right in the footsteps of her sister and has resorted to taking 30 minute naps followed by staying awake for about an hour and taking another short cat nap before wanting to eat again. I remember Emma doing much of the same, and it's still just as exhausting as it was then! It hasn't effected her sleeping at night too much until last night, but I have noticed that if she can get a good nap right before her last bottle, she'll sleep much longer than if she has a small nap or no nap at all. I've also noticed that she will sleep a lot longer and better during the day when I'm wearing her but I don't want her to get used to being worn all the time. She'll get a shock of reality in a week when I have to go back to work and she goes to Miss Cindi's with Emma so I guess I'll just suck it up and enjoy the baby cuddles until then ;)

I've got one more week of quality time with my girls before heading back to work. It's been a long and exhausting 7 weeks so far, but the time I've had with them both has been so amazing! I can't wait to see Penny continue to grow and change and I'm excited to see Emma grow into a big girl! Time waits for no one and I intend to take advantage of every minute I can with my little family.

In other news, Rory is getting to experience a once in a lifetime opportunity this week! He got tickets to the Masters for Monday's practice round from a guy from his work! He was beside himself with excitement but also felt guilty for leaving me with the girls for a day and a half. I told him I knew this was something he'd been wanting to do for SO long and I can handle things here. Plus, my parents just got back from their trip to Spain so I won't be all by myself. Tomorrow will be a day full of plans so it'll make it go by a little faster. Emma has her three year wellness check and then I'll be attempting to make her birthday cake ;) We'll see how everything goes!

I hope that everyone is enjoying the beginning of April and stays safe during the start of tornado season! Word is that this week could be interesting :/

God Bless!


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