Turning a corner...

Miss Penny is now eight weeks old...and we've turned a corner! Here's hoping we stay here for a while!

In my previous posts, I've explained that Penny has been dealing with some serious reflux and had to be put on medicine to help her. Since she's been on the medicine, we've definitely seen a change, and it's been for the good, so far! She had a couple of great days right after they put her on the medicine a week ago last Saturday, but then we had a few rough days of her reverting back to not sleeping much and not wanting to eat. I have no doubt that some of the fussiness was due to her being 7 weeks old, but most of it was probably from her wanting to eat but being afraid to because it hurt. Poor thing was just miserable! There were a couple of nights that I would just sit and rock her and cry myself because there was nothing I could do to help her that I wasn't already doing. I just wanted her to eat! When she wasn't eating or hungry, she was a perfectly content baby and was working on her smiling.

Now that she's finally getting some relief with the medicine really kicking in, she's eating great and is in a great mood most of the time :) She is still a baby, after all. She's working on her cooing this week and will get such a big grin when I talk to her! She loves to watch her sister play too! I have a feeling that as she gets older and more expressive, Emma will provide so much entertainment and laughter.

We had a fun-filled weekend and Penny was great for being out so much! We took a trip to Florence on Saturday for daddy to play golf with Uncle Colby so the girls and I spent the day with Rachel and Garrett. Emma had a blast at the park and loved riding the train! Both she and Garrett really enjoyed themselves :) I was glad that we got to spend some time with them because it's been so long since we've been up there and seen the Agee's! Penny slept most of the way up there and most of the way back and was content just to sit in the baby carrier at the park. I have to say, I see myself wearing her WAY more than Emma just to be able to keep up with everyone! Haha!

Penny also got to go to church for the first time Sunday! She did awesome! She slept during both services and was awake and observant before and after. She got a little fussy after the evening service when we went to a potluck and didn't want to eat much, but in all fairness, we'd just given her medicine and it hadn't had time to really take effect yet. Once I got her in her baby carrier, she was out for a good nap until we got in the car to go home. She's not a bad car rider by any means but she was tired of being out and ready to be home at that point!

She's thrown us some crazy awesome curve balls lately. I'm more than glad that her medicine is working because that was an ordeal, but now she's given us four nights of 6+ hours of straight sleep! She has woken up for just a minute a couple of the nights because her paci fell out, but as soon as I put it back in her mouth, she was out again. I'm not going to expect this to be the norm from here on out because I know better than that! It won't keep me from praying that she does this more often though ;)

Monday was a day of many firsts for us...my first day back to work and both girls first day at daycare full time. Emma was more than excited to see all her little friends and to show them her baby sister! Penny was a champ and didn't give Ms. Cindi much trouble :) No way could it be easy to take care of so many kids plus a few infants! God bless her and Pop!

Penny is scheduled for her upper GI test and her two month wellness check on Friday so I'm sure there'll be plenty to update on next Monday! Until then, the Guthrie's are rolling with the punches and trying to stay afloat with two sweet kiddos!

Hope everyone has a Happy Easter!

God bless!


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