Two Months of "Fun"!

Aaaand the other shoe has dropped...

Penny turned 2 months old on Thursday and is nine weeks old as of today and is growing and changing every day! I just had to brag last week about how she was sleeping so good last weekend, and it continued all week long...until this weekend. Granted, she did have to get shots on Friday and she still slept six hours Saturday night and last night, but it pales in comparison to the 8+ that she was consistently giving us last week! :( I guess that's what I get for assuming that she'd stay that way. She is, after all, only nine weeks old...

That smirk!

She had a great report from her upper GI test! Her anatomy is perfect! No problems other than just having some reflux. For now, we'll be staying on the zantac and seeing if the reflux steadily gets better or worse as she gets bigger, and adjusting her meds accordingly. She's holding her head up SO good now, with minimum wobble. She can also put all her weight on her legs and stand up on us! She's so strong! She's also up to a whopping 10 lbs 4 oz! That's what Emma weighed at four months old! It's so crazy how different they are. Just when I'm getting use to putting her in one size clothing, she outgrows them! She's officially in three month clothes now and will most likely be moving up to 3-6 months in the next month. I'm sure moms of "normal" sized kids are laughing at me for being shocked at her growth rate, but you have to remember that my first child was in newborn size until she was 3 months old and is currently just breaking into 2T as a three year old!

Speaking of Emma, she's as silly as ever these days! I've started to notice her being a tad more clingy lately, but I think it may be due to her finally realizing that Penny demands more of our attention and she's not used to anyone getting attention other than her. She still loves her baby sister and asks to "see" her constantly! "I see Penny Rae" means that she wants you to bring Penny to her level so she can hug on her and talk to her face to face. This has actually been a HUGE help to me because if I'm needing to get ready or do something that requires me to put Penny down, Emma can entertain her long enough so I can finish what I'm doing and Penny doesn't get upset. I hope they continue to entertain each other as they get older!

BFF Date Night ;)

He had to walk her to her car...what a gentleman!

This past weekend was Easter and both girls got a few little somethings from the easter bunny :) I'm most excited about the books that I got from my Usbourne book party that I had a few weeks ago! I got Penny a plush bunny book and Emma some "Getting Ready for School" books where she can trace her letters, numbers and words to work on writing! We started working on the letters and I could tell right away that she's going to be super smart! While she wasn't staying in the lines perfectly, she was drawing all the right shapes to write the letters! I can't wait to see how she grows and learns! I also got both girls the illustrated Bible stories book. Emma and I read about the tower of Babel for a few minutes before church last night and she thought it was SO funny when I told her the people started saying "Blah blah blah!" I want to start reading one story every night to both of them but we'll see how long Penny can cooperate :)

Emma looks so grown up! :(

Penny in her Feltman Brothers dress from Gran and Paw! It's a must-have for all the great-grands :)

The Easter Bunny did good :)

Life continues to be a blur but we're looking forward to Rory finishing up school in the next few months! We've also got our "family vacation" in June to go welcome Aunt Ashton to the family! We're excited about adding a yankee to our ranks ;) Hehe! In all seriousness, I am excited to watch my little brother marry the love of his life and take in some New England sights! I don't think Massachusetts or Rhode Island will ever be the same after the Couchman/Guthrie clans descend upon them! Let's just hope I can fit in my dress ;)

I hope everyone enjoyed their Easter and stays cool in this Alabama "Spring"!

God Bless!


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