Overseas Excursions

Well, its official! Rory and I will be going to Greece in March of 2013!!! I am so excited I can hardly contain myself! I know its still a year and a half away, but it's so exciting knowing that my first trip out of the country will be to the place I have always wanted to go! It might be my only trip out of the country, but at least it will be to somewhere absolutely beautiful! And with a group of people that I would go anywhere with : )

Now we just have to figure out between now and then, where we're ganna stash Lily ; ) Rory and I have already had to come to the conclusion that any weekend vacations (i.e. to gran and paws for Labor Day) will most likely have to be solo with one of us going and the other staying with Lily. I'm sure we'll find a kennel for her somewhere for longer trips that we take. I almost wish I could take her with us, but I don't know if the Greeks are ready for a dog like Lily! Haha!

She's gotten so much better with being at home by herself. We keep her in her crate now most of the day. She's pretty content when we get home now, which is a drastic change from the live wire we used to come home to! She hasn't had an accident inside in a WHILE (hoping it stays that way) and she's getting bigger all the time. She had her first vet visit Friday and she got a pretty clean bill of health, except for a little ear infection. The vet gave us some drops for her ears, which she takes like a champ : ) Other than her serious curiosity and puppy energy spurts, she's a pretty content and calm little pup....which I am SO thankful for!

God bless!


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