31 weeks - Isaiah 41:10

This week has yet again been a blur....I'm beginning to see a pattern. The closer to D-Day that we get, the faster time seems to go. We're down to single digits people!!!

This week was an interesting doctor's appt. I had an ultrasound last month because I was under the impression that the doctor thought E was just measuring a little small...turns out her legs are measuring small but the rest of her is right on schedule. So what does that mean? Another ultrasound on Tuesday, one freaked out mama and an appointment to see a specialist next week. I'm trying not to think too much into it because there's not much I can do other than pray and give it to God. I know that more than likely, it's all precautionary and she will probably be just fine and be a perfect little blessing. We already know that she'll be a shorty - I'm not but 5'3 and Rory's about 5'10. Bless her little soul, she's ganna be fun size : )

One good thing out of seeing this specialist on Wednesday is that we get one of those target scans, which is a lot more high-tech ultrasound. That means we get to see our little E even better! I'm kind of excited because I've heard some really cool stuff about them. I'm not so excited about the doctor we're seeing because, word on the street, he's a little intense. I know I shouldn't have, but I've already googled....I know, I know. REALLY bad idea. These days, just about everything is terminal or can result in something terminal. Rory's just going to have to keep me away from the internet for the next 9 weeks depending on what we hear next week.

With that being said, I am now into my every-two-week appointments! It's going to be super weird going next week, and then the next week. I'm so use to waiting a month in between! Good thing I like my doctor and her staff ; ) Rory and I also have a hospital tour on the 17th and our first baby class on the 24th. It'll get REAL then!

Still working on the nursery...but we're getting closer : ) Audra and Will came over Monday and painted E's "closets". They are looking pretty freakin' adorable so far! We have one more coat to do and then I've got to find some reasonably priced, super cute wall paper to put in the backs to give them a little bit more adorableness. Then it will be on to getting the furniture ordered and cleaning out the last of the junk. I really can't wait for the room to be done! I just keep trying to picture how everything will fit and look in there. She won't care, but I do : )

So on to the new awesome symptoms....leg cramps. Ooooh buddy let me tell you 'bout those! Monday morning I about woke up screaming because my calf was cramping up so bad! I'm talking about, it is still sore from the cramp today! I'm trying to drink more water and keep myself hydrated so it doesn't happen often, but talk about painful. I feel for the athletes that fall flat on their faces in pain when they get cramps cuz it is some serious stuff! So on to a not-so-painful one : ) It's not really a symptom, but with E getting bigger, I'm starting to see her moving instead of just feel her. It's pretty crazy sitting at my desk and looking down and seeing this bulge poking out of my already-bulging belly. I've seen little one's too, which I can only assume is a fist or foot poking up. It's so stinkin' cute and makes me want her here now! She's still butt down but my doctor is hopeful that she'll flip before it's time. I've read that some doctors will wait until right before (there goes my random google info...some of the stuff is actually positive and helpful!) and then decide if they need to go ahead and do a c-section. If she's ganna be like her mama, she'll stay breech. I'm not complaining because, like I've said before, I've been preparing myself the whole time for a c-section because of my size so it won't be the end of the world if we have to do it.

As we get closer, I'm now also at the stage where I just want her here. I still have moments of brief insanity where I freak out and think I'm not ready, but for the most part, I'm ready to meet her and have her here. I'm also ready to not feel like a beached whale and to actually be comfortable when I sleep, which I know won't be much, but at least I'll be able to get more comfortable when I do sleep. As I get closer, I know I'll also get to experience the wonders of swelling....not looking forward to that : / I haven't had to deal with too much of that, in part, probably because it's been super cold this winter so I haven't gotten hot. It's been pretty nice being pregnant in the winter : ) I think I'll try and shoot for that next time too ; )

Hope everyone's week has been wonderful!

9 weeks to go!

God Bless!


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