32 weeks - Philippians 4:6-7

This has been yet another weird week...what is with the Alabama weather?!

For those of you living under a rock or just not bothering to pay attention to what is happening in the rest of the country, Alabama was subject to yet another week of crazy winter storms! I never thought I would say it but I'm so sick of snow! If it snow's one more time, I'm moving to Guam. We got a total of 3 inches on Wednesday. It was really pretty but not so pretty for all the idiots who decided that they would get out on the roads to try and go to work Thursday morning....bless their hearts. Thankfully, in true Alabama winter fashion, next week is full of high 60s and low 70s, accompanied by early spring thunderstorms : ) Let's just hope there's no drop in pressure that would cause Emma to think it's time to come on out!

Speaking of little Miss E....we had our appointment with the Maternal-Fetal Medicine doc yesterday. And I'm happy to report...Miss E will not be a 10 lb baby! ; ) In all seriousness though, he did express a little bit of concern that she is measuring a good bit behind in her growth - like as in there would only be 1 out of 100 babies born that would be smaller than her. I really wasn't expecting to have an 8 or 9 lb baby but he's thinking more like 5 or 6 lbs. At any rate, I go back to have a scan every week until she's born just to check her growth ever week. I'm not complaining because that means that I'll get to see her every week until I get to hold her! : ) The doctor didn't seem too worried and Rory and I both talked about how it really didn't matter to us how big she was as long as all her organs were developed, she had 10 fingers and 10 toes, her heart rate stayed good, and her blood flow continued to look good. Miss Diva was a total showoff yesterday too btw! She did not stop moving once when the tech began the anatomy scan! She even kicked the wand a few times just to show her disdain for having her picture taken so much....oh my. I feel bad for her because she is already so photogenic so she'll just have to suck it up and deal with having her cuteness documented every moment of her life ; ) The doctor felt good about her blood flow and her heart beat so no major issues there. Rory said I just need to eat more...which is hysterical because I'm CONSTANTLY eating! Maybe not the healthiest stuff, but I'm eating food nonetheless. The tech was even able to show us how she was mastering the art of breathing already! And she even gave us a little yawn to let us know she was done showing off. She's still difficult when it comes to uncrossing her legs to get a good measure of her legs (which is why we had to go to the specialist in the first place) but I'm hoping she keeps that trait as she grows ; ) She also has a head full of hair and her daddy's feet! If you've never noticed, Rory definitely has some hobbit feet. He told me yesterday he was going to nickname her Baggins. Poor girl. So basically, what we found out was she's going to be a tiny girl with lots of hair and big feet....bless it.

I've also started to deal with some major comfort issues : / I can no longer sleep through the night all the way without getting up at least 3 times to pee or roll over. I can also no longer walk normal. Waddling is the way people! I am also finding it increasingly harder to find clothes to wear that are publicly acceptable. I can wear the crap out of some sweats and big tshirts but that's not exactly work attire...unless you work at home : ) I'm also dealing with extreme exhaustion if I have to be on my feet for more than a couple of hours. It's amazing how much trouble a 3 lb butter bean can cause! ; )

Tomorrow is my first shower and I am beyond excited to get to see friends I haven't seen in a while! I'm also super excited for E to start getting more stuff. It's going to be super weird that all of this stuff will be for my baby....my baby - still weird to think about. I remember feeling the same way at my wedding shower, thinking that the bride-to-be would walk in any minute and I needed to find something to help with lol! I know I'm going to be looking at my friends and thinking "Ok, so who's shower is this again?" I've helped with so many in the past, I know I'm going to bug Rachel with wanting to help with things haha! I'll just pay it forward at her shower in the next few months ; )

The nursery is coming along...let's just say, slowly. That way it sounds better than it looks lol! Still no furniture but we're going to be solving that problem over the next few weeks. We now have all the junk in her room boxed up, but now it's just finding a place to relocate said junk. Once we have more room, we will be ordering the furniture and slowly but surely decorating! I already have so many ideas that I want to do, it's just going to be finding the time to do them! With 8 weeks or less to go, I'm starting to panic....maybe just a little ; )

8 weeks to go!

God Bless!


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