33 weeks - Romans 8:24-30

This week has, thankfully, flown by! We're getting into the home stretch being in the single digits! I'm wavering between excitement and panic, but more excitement as we get closer and things start coming together : )

First off though, lets explain to those who aren't privileged to live in the Heart of Dixie just what an "Alabama Winter" consists of....freezing temps and snow last week and warm temps and spring storms this week. Yes that's right people. The high yesterday was 74 with severe weather through the night. Thankfully, it didn't get as bad as they were predicting all day yesterday but it did get a bit breezy in some areas. We definitely got some serious rain! It was nice because it put me right to sleep! Let's hope it does the same with Emma when she gets here : )

So what does this mean for me? a) FLIP-FLOPS!!! b) not trying to squeeze into a jacket just to stay somewhat warm and c) swelling....ugh. Yep, I've finally started to experience some mild swelling in my feet. Luckily, it's only been one so far, but I would rather have none! I was still able to get my flip flops on but I can't even imagine what it would have been like to stuff that sausage in a boot! We'll try that next week when the temps dip back down into the "normal" winter temps.

We had our first baby shower last Saturday too! And for everyone who may have freaked out when they saw "baby shower", I apologize. I should have clarified FLORENCE shower. I actually have 3 showers total : ) This girl is so lucky, she don't even know! Our next shower will be the 1st of March in TENNESSEE (just to clarify for everyone) and then I'll have our "home" shower in Gardendale a week later.

We got some very good and practical stuff on Saturday, and even some "Rory-approved" bows! Good thing too cuz according to the weekly ultrasounds I get at MFM, she's got some hair! I'm so beyond excited about that btw! My heartburn was not in vain....
Rory got his baby carrier (I registered for a moby-ish wrap for myself) so now all he lacks is his manly diaper bag. Of course he won't be carrying the one I have! It's far too girly and he needs one that looks more like a backpack than a purse or miniature suitcase. We also got some super cute clothes and some hangers! Now I just need to finish her "closets" so we can display those super cute clothes.

We also got her crib! It was delivered yesterday to my parents so we are now officially starting to build her nursery for real! It's still weird to go in there and see all these baby things and a crib now...I imagine it will be weird until she's 18 lol! Just a small sneak peak cuz it's nowhere near ready:

There will be more decorating tonight and hopefully, her dresser will get here soon and we'll have almost everything we need to get everything set up! It's crazy how everything is coming together and I get so excited walking by her room and seeing the crib : ) Btw, I put that together myself! Rory had class last night and I just couldn't wait! It really wasn't all that hard....a couple bolts here and there. It was super light too : ) So no excessive physical exertion was used in the assembly of this crib.

We had our hospital tour on Monday as well. This just helped make things that much more real. The new women's center at Brookwood is SUPER nice but Rory was cracking me up muttering that St. Vincent's is better....which he only thinks because our friends had their baby there a couple months ago. I'm going to like how they have bidet's in the bathroom though so I won't trade that ; ) And just so you know, I totally had to google how to use one because I guess I'm not swanky enough to have ever used one! Everyone has said how I'll love it though as opposed to the squirt bottle other hospitals supply you with : )

We have our first class this coming up Monday where we'll be learning to CPR some infants. I'm kind of excited because I haven't had a CPR class in a WHILE! Hopefully, we'll never have to use what we learn, but better to be safe than sorry.

We've got another busy week ahead of us with a wedding tomorrow, a trip to visit our OB on Monday, the CPR class, another trip to the MFM doc on Thursday and then heading to Tennessee for baby shower #2 : ) Between all these doctor visits, baby classes, and showers, I'm really hoping the next 7 weeks will fly by! And who knows, she may decide to go against the Guthrie nature and be early for something! Lol

7 weeks to go!

God bless!


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