34 weeks

Is it really almost March?! This year has been crazy fast already! I feel like it should be the middle of January....but I'm thankful it's not. I'm about sick of the cold. These last few spurts of warm weekends has spoiled me and I am now ready for warmer weather. I'm not talking 90s, but I wouldn't mind some low to mid-70s for an entire week : )

I will say that I have thoroughly enjoyed being pregnant in the winter. I would much rather be able to layer and take off during one of my many hot flashes than to be sitting in 90 degree heat and have a hot flash and not have any layers to take off! At this point in the pregnancy, though, it really doesn't matter what the temperature is...the discomfort has reached ridiculousness! I know it will only get worse so I'm taking it one day at a time...

As I've eluded to in past posts, we have been upgraded to "high-risk" and we are now going to the doctor every week. It's been pretty crazy to go up there 2 and 3 times a week so thankfully, we've managed to sync our visits for the remainder of the pregnancy. Now, we'll just be jumping between doctors' offices ; )

This weeks appts went very well. The tech that did the ultrasound yesterday was super fast and was able to get most of the measurements she needed fairly quickly. She didn't even attempt the blood flow in the belly as soon as she saw that Emma was not going to stop moving...smart lady : ) That's what took the tech so long to get the last time! She said that typically, they can just write in the chart that they weren't able to get the measurement because the baby was breathing too much - kind of a funny reason. She also informed us exactly what the amniotic fluid is....I'll spare everyone that detail. Any moms out there will already know. Anywho, she said everything looked really good and that Emma has still not turned but they'll be watching that over the next couple of weeks. Normally, babies will get into what she called "birth position" by week 34 or 35 and that's where they'll stay. If Emma doesn't turn by then, it's unlikely she will, but then again, she has until she's born so it could be any time she wants : ) My prediction will be that she won't be going anywhere....stubborn little thing.

We also had another NST yesterday and this time, it didn't take near as long to get the monitor on because we knew just where to put it : ) My OB told us that she wants us to have those every week until she's born so between the ultrasounds and the NSTs, my belly may just shrivel from all the gel! Lol. Neither doctor seems concerned anymore but are just taking every precaution since she won't be a "normal" size. It will be just our luck that she'll hit a growth spurt in the next few weeks and end up being a perfectly "normal" size baby ; ) Here's hoping....

No new symptoms this week unless you count the extreme discomfort and my ever growing belly. I'm about ready to just be able to wear maxi skirts and dresses and flip flops all day every day. This cold needs to go away already! I've discovered that dresses are seriously the way to go! Flowy and cool fabrics are my new BFF! Undoubtedly, the cold will last right up until the very end and then, it will get all nice and springy....

We finally got her dresser in this week and Rory and I put it together so we are that much closer to a finished nursery! I get so excited that it's all coming together and then I have moments of panic where I think that I'm not ready. We are very close to finishing her "closets" but ran into a setback when her Aunt Audra got kidney stones this week : / Bless her heart. We've still got time so I'm not worried : ) I still have to go get some fabric to cover the backs and I think the kind I wanted has been discontinued so that means more time for me to search for just the right fabric!

I have to give a shout-out to my friends from church here who surprised me last night by showing me the ADORABLE door hanger that was made for Emma....it is seriously the cutest thing I've ever seen!!! I'll get some pics of it at my Gardendale shower so everyone can bask in it's cuteness : ) It will probably also be the door hanger at the hospital because I just won't be able to get enough of seeing it!!!

Speaking of showers, shower #2 is tomorrow and I am so excited to get more stuff to fill E's room with! I know that we are going to quickly run out of room in our tiny house but I will be more than glad about it because it just means we're closer to Miss E's arrival! 

It's crazy to think that we have 6 weeks or less but I'm about dang ready to not be pregnant anymore! I've enjoyed it but now, it's about time for her to hurry up cooking and get out already. I don't even want to think about going over 40 weeks....yeah, lets just not think about that. 

6 weeks to go!

God Bless!


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