35 weeks

As we get closer and closer to D-Day, I am more and more ready for Miss E to be here! I won't pull the miserable pregnant lady card just yet, but I always have it in my back pocket ready to use it at the drop of a hat!

This week has been pretty crazy and I can only imagine how the next five will be as we continue the countdown. Work is craziness because we have all these new people who have just been hired and nowhere to put them! You can tell that men organized that operation ; ) Had women been in charge, we would have had offices, desks, computers, phones, etc and been ready to hit the ground running as soon as they came in....but they didn't ask my opinion. With all the newbies also comes lots of training (that we don't really have the resources or time for). I feel bad for all of them because we're all stressed beyond the breaking point which makes for a lot of cranky people who's patience is non-existent. I am going to feel really bad when I leave for 12 weeks and everyone will have to fend for themselves on the West Coast ; )

In all seriousness, work has been a bummer lately. It just seems like everyone has lost their minds! Everything is needed right now and no one wants to step outside the bounds of their "job descriptions" to lend a helping hand....which is probably why we begin mandatory overtime on Monday : / BOO! It will just be for the month of March, but I'm really hoping I can keep it together and not put myself in early labor! One exciting thing though is that my brother Will got a job at my work! We're beginning a new customer support program and he was hired as one of the reps! I'm so proud of him and excited to get to work together! I'll also be one of the reps so we'll be doing the same thing : ) He starts the last week of March so I'm pretty stoked about it, even if it will only be for a couple of weeks before maternity leave.

So on to non-work related issues :) Our doctors appt on Thursday went very well :) E was still breech but at this point, I don't expect anything else. She's already a little stubborn diva ;) I met another doctor who was very impressed with the NST results so everything is going good! Our next appt on Wednesday will be a growth check so we'll see how big (or little) E is and hopefully determine if they want to go ahead and schedule something if she's still breech ;) It's getting so close!!! 

We have our last shower on Sunday and it's taking all the self control I have not to go ahead and wash her clothes. I'm so excited to see what else we get and from there, it will be full on getting the nursery ready, packing a hospital bag, and generally just waiting...that's ganna be the worst part; I can already tell :/ 

Only one new-ish symptom this week...excruciating back pain! Apparently it's something that's common for breech pregnancies. The tech who performed my ultrasound this last week said she had it with her son who was breech as well. The contractions are starting to hurt more but are still random so no need to worry :) I keep hoping she'll turn so I can at least give regular birth a try but we'll see what she and God want to do ;)

I am totally getting spoiled by the warmer weather so any cold snaps just make me irritated! My new fav clothes are tank tops, maxi skirts, and flip flops...not necessarily winter-friendly. But this next week promises to be nice and springy with temps in the 70s :) but with warmer temps also comes the swelling...I've finally had to stop wearing my rings just to make sure they don't get stuck. The swelling hasn't been too bad but I can only imagine how much worse it will get these last five weeks.

So yeah, just thinking about it makes me freak out but get SUPER excited!!! This time next month, I could potentially be a mother! I'm still holding out hope that maybe she'll get here on her daddy's birthday but I want her to bake as long as she can :) I'm just really hoping the doctors don't want to keep her in there longer than 40 weeks...I may just go insane if that happens! So for now, we just wait and keep praying that she keeps growing like she should and that she makes a safe (and quick) arrival whenever she's ready!

5 weeks to go!

God Bless!


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