38 weeks

We're so close I can taste it now! One more week of work and two more free weekends and Rory and I will finally get to meet Miss E. I think I have surpassed the point of freaking out (for now, anyways) and now I'm just really for her to be here!

This week has been crazy! I'm actually feeling a lot less uncomfortable for some reason...maybe she's dropped and I have room to breath or maybe she's just balled up a little more which has made my stomach stop stretching...either way, it's not nearly as uncomfortable as it has been the last several weeks, thank the Lord!!! Our doctors appointment Wednesday was another good report. The poor ultrasound tech doing the dopplers couldn't get the blood flow measurement from Emma's liver/kidneys to her heart for anything! She even had another tech come in any try, but to no avail. My daughter is already difficult...Lord, help us all! Thankfully, it wasn't a big deal because everything else was normal so they just gave up lol :)

Work is a whole other story...let's just say I am beyond excited to be leaving for an extended period of time in a week! I feel bad for the people I'm leaving behind but trying to transfer all the knowledge in my head to other people who are just starting out AND still try to stay on top of doing my regular job has proven to be super crazy and stressful! Thank goodness I'm not several months behind in my pregnancy or I would be in trouble! All the new people seem to be picking it up pretty quickly, which makes me feel a little better but I'm still worried that there's no way I can get 4 years of knowledge and experience from my head on to paper or related to them in a training in just one more week :/ I know that it will all work out one way or another and when I get back in July, I'll be the one that will need training to figure out all the new things!

So we finally have E's nursery about 95% done! We finished the "closets" this week and hung up all her clothes (good grief, the clothes!) and finally got her changing pad. The only things lacking are getting the rocker from the 'rents and putting the final touches of hanging pictures and then, it will be ready and waiting for Miss E! I promise pictures next week once we have everything in place and I can figure out where to put Tevin's clothes that I'm trying to hold back from taking over the nursery! ;)

No emergencies this week in the way of E trying to make an early appearance. I did start having contractions while at the doctor on Wednesday, but my doctor said I was dehydrated and needed to drink some water and it would make them go away...any she was right :) they eventually went away when I got back to work and put my feet up and drank about a gallon of water. I've also been fighting this cold that has made it's way into my chest as of late :/ thankfully, my doctor was also able to help with that. She prescribed me a Z pack and told me to keep drinking lots of fluids and take it easy :) ha! Easier said than done on that last point! So far, I still can't breath when I wake up but I can tell that the congestion is breaking up because my nose has become an uncontrollable leaky faucet! It's pretty hilarious to see me at work now with my feet propped up in a chair, a box of tissues in one hand and my 2 liter bottle of water in the other :) Not to mention the volleyball of a belly that I have poking out! ;)

So after an eventful week at work, I'm ready to put my feet up, relax and do nothing but vegg out all weekend! I'm also looking forward to my new furniture!!! Rory finally conceded to let me use some of our tax money to replace the super old, super smelly couch and chair we currently have with a brand couch and chair! We got a killer deal at rooms to go and it will be here on Tuesday! I'm so ready for my living room not to smell like dog! Pictures will come of those too ;) 

Hope everyone has a wonderful last weekend of March!

1 1/2 weeks to go!

God Bless!


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