Tests, tests, and more tests

I waited to write my blog entry until today because Emma had her visit with Dr King this morning. I figured all her adoring fans would want an update on how Little E is doing...

So we still don't have an answer but we're on our way to knowing why Emma is not gaining weight like her doctor expects. She actually lost weight over the last two weeks since her four month appointment so that worries me a little. Dr King didn't seem overly concerned but they drew some blood for testing and we will have an appointment to get some scans done at Children's in the next couple of weeks. I'm praying that everything turns out normal and that she's just little. I am trying to prepare myself for them to recommend putting her on formula so that we can monitor how much milk she's getting and then just moving on to solids after that at 6 months. I'm trying not to worry too much but that's a mamas job!

It hurt me so bad when they had to take blood from her too :( her arms are so little and her veins are so tiny that the lab tech was having a hard time finding veins to get blood from, which was not making Emma very happy. She wasn't happy to begin with because she was starving to boot! I didn't have a bottle with me or my shield to nurse her because I didn't plan on being there until 12:30 but I have learned a valuable lesson: always be prepared for every senario!

Having to watch her scream as she got her blood drawn was exhausting. I feel like I could sleep for a week after that ordeal! The guy really did a great job. I can't imagine finding tiny veins is an easy task! Now it's a waiting game for our appointment at children's and then maybe we'll know something more about how to help my baby.

Other than this setback, Emma is her normal stinker self ;) She actually rolled over during tummy time the other day when Rory was home! I was excited that he got to see it :) She wasn't so happy because she didn't realize that she had done it until she was suddenly on her back lol. I guess when she sleeps, it's a little less scary when she doesn't realize what she's done. She's also starting to discover more noises and different cries. The cries are my least favorite because it makes me scared that she's in some different kind of pain she hasn't been in before...which could be true for teething. So far, no teeth. But the drool is at an all time high and her gums are puffy and red. Not to mention, she'll wake up in the middle of the night screaming for no reason and I have a time trying to put her back to sleep. I know it will pass but in ready for my baby to feel better now!

For now, those are the updates. I'm hoping our scans at children's will be soon so we can know where we go from here. Keep little E in your prayers!

God bless!


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