Unlucky 21

It's amazing that we've all lasted 21 weeks! We're one week shy of Emma turning 5 months old...does anyone else think that's totally wrong?! She was just born last week, right?

I definitely had flashbacks of when she was born this weekend. Emma is on cold #2 of what I know will be many, but this one seems 100x worse than the first one :( She's so stopped up and she only coughs or sneezes to get her nose unstopped. Needless to say, her sleep has suffered...and so has her parents. Saturday night was the first time ever that I actually had to get up every hour (literally) and go suction out her nose and put her back to bed. Bless her little heart, she was miserable. And so was I. I did get 7 hours of sleep, but it came in 7 one-hour increments....so it was more like a lot of power naps to get me through the night.

Sunday was better. She actually napped, and more than 30 or 45 minutes. I attribute it to the fact that she didn't feel good but I was glad she let herself get the rest. It was a challenge to nurse her though because she couldn't breath. Both of us were exhausted and ill but we made it through and now it's Monday.

This week is her upper GI test at Children's hospital so we're looking forward to the results. I've started putting cereal in all her bottles and supplementing with at least 1 ounce of formula right after I nurse her. She seems to be more content after she eats and she's in a pretty good mood (other than being sick) for a while afterwards so I'm hoping she will have put back on the 4 ounces she lost since her 4 month appointment.

I'll keep this post fairly short as I'm sure I'll be writing an update come Thursday night.

Hope everyone has a great last week of August! Don't forget football starts on Thursday!!!!!! : D

God bless!


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