5 months!

Our baby girl is now 5 months old! Time flies when you're having fun :)

Holding her own bottle! She's growing up to fast :(

Already loving makeup :)

Looking super cute for some Labor Day fun!

Emma did so well with her tests last week and I'm actually starting to see a little change in her after supplementing for the past several days. Her cheeks are starting to fill out a little more. I'm anxious to see the difference between her 5 month and 6 month pictures :)

She seems to be a much happier baby too. Not that she wasn't before ;) She seems much more content and chill after her feedings but our naps have now reverted back to 30 and 45 minutes at a time :/ I attribute her good napping last week to her cold, which is now on it's way out. She couldn't get rid of it without sharing though ;) She shared with me, Rory, Pop and Uncle Will. She's such a giving child ;)

With 5 months now comes constant movement. Seriously, this kids wants to go go go! She's trying to climb all over anyone who holds her which means it's a challenge to keep her from jumping right out of your arms. She's also finding her voice. She's been cooing and gurgling for a whole but now she's starting to really try and talk and sometimes even let's out a little yell. She's the most vocal at church (go figure) so I can foresee that becoming a problem very soon :/

While her naps are almost non-existent, her sleeping is great! I say this at the risk of jinxing myself, but she's now sleeping 9-10 hours every night! This is GREAT for mama cuz I can get at least 7-8 hours every night and feel completely rested in the morning :) And with her now drinking half and half bottles at daycare, I no longer have to get up in the middle of the night to pump! Granted, the next morning I feel like I could fall over from the fullness, but that just means it will take less time to feed her and more time for us to get ready!

She's now started daycare full time and this morning was the first time that I felt really really sad about it :( she's been doing so well and she loves the lady that keeps her, but she's been going through some separation anxiety and cries when I start to leave. It breaks my heart but I know she'll be fine after a few minutes. I think having the long weekend made it a little harder for me to leave her :(

She will be going every week for a weight check and then we see Dr King again at the end of the month to check her progress :) I never thought I'd say it but I hope she's a chunky monkey by then!

Hope everyone enjoyed the holiday weekend and the start of football season! Now if the weather would follow suit, we'd be great! ;)

God bless!


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