Big Hungry

Emma is now 23 weeks old and well on her way to catching up on her weight! If you didn't hear or see, Emma gained 11 oz in one week!!! I'm just a little bit excited ;)

The formula supplementation is working awesome! It's a relief knowing that there wasn't something seriously wrong with her and we are on the right track now. I'm also glad I get to keep nursing cuz only having to buy formula half the time will save Rory and me from living in a small cardboard box! We may still have to live in one but at least it can be a packing box and not a shoe box ;)

Emma went to her first birthday this weekend and did awesome! She was just chilling the whole time and even did great when we got in the pool! She looked so adorable in her swimsuit :) She was a little unsure about the water at first because it was cold and she's more use to warm bath water, but she got use to it pretty quick since it was a hot day! She was golden as long as I held her really close to me. Forget about trying to hold her out in the water by herself! She was perfectly content close to me and watching Jordan and Jackson play in the pool. It wore her out though cuz she took a great 2 hour nap after that!

Then it was off to watch football in our Tennessee gear ;) I didn't get a pic but there will be plenty more games for her to wear her onsies for and we can get pics then ;)

She's so much more content now and such a great baby! I wish we would have found out about this fat thing a long time ago but it is what it is :) she's still taking catnaps but she's starting to extend her night sleep little by little. She's now up to about 10 1/2 to 11 hours (just on the weekends right now). We're working on earlier bedtimes during the week since we have a set time that we have to be up. She's also up to eating 7 oz in every bottle! She's extended her time between feedings but with this bump in amount, she's eating almost 30 oz a day!!! She's starting to sound more and more like us every day...loves to eat and sleep ;)

Hope everyone enjoys their week and week 3 of football!!!

God bless!


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