Missing my sleep a tad...

Going into our 24th week, all of us are a little exhausted and delirious from our stent of no sleep this weekend.

Emma is either teething hardcore or she is on her 3rd cold (2nd in one month). She showed no signs of it coming on like she usually does. This congestion just came out of nowhere, which leads me to think that it may have more to do with the two little white spots on her bottom gum that are now puffy and swollen. Please pray that they hurry up and cut through for the sake of Rory and my's sanity and sleep!

Last night was a lot better but I pretty much did everything in the book that might have even the remotest possibility of helping her sleep better: Vicks on her chest, neck, back and feet, Tylenol for her gum pain, amber necklace in her sock (look it up, supposedly it helps) and cool mist humidifier. We were not taking any chances of another night of up every half hour to hour. And it worked, bygeorge! She went down at 9:30 and didn't stir until 5ish and then I put her in her snoogle and she slept soundly until I had to wake her up at 6:30. We'll try going down earlier tonight and see if she'll do it again. I would love for her to go back to 10 hours of sleep!

Besides the teething, she's now also working on sitting up by herself...another reason she may not be sleeping as soundly lately. She can sit up really well with just one hand on her for support. I don't know whether I'm ready for her to sit by herself :/ she's just growing up too fast! She's also becoming MUCH more vocal. She jabbers a lot when she gets sleepy and I've heard a couple ya ya's but no dada's or mama's yet. We're working on it though ;)

She's also up to 10 lbs 15 oz as of her weigh in on Thursday! Formula is doing this kid good :) we have one more weigh in this week and then a follow up with Dr King next Thursday to see how we're doing. Then it will be very close to her 6 month appointment...6 months! Can you believe my baby will be half a year old?! It seems like I just had her last week :(

Her hair is now starting to grow back where she lost a good bit from the cradle cap. The cradle cap isn't completely gone but in the areas it is, she's getting her dark hair back and it makes me excited for the return of bows! We didn't get to wear this one to church last night (daddy vetoed it) but we have plenty more where that came from ;)

Not much else to report. Hope everyone has a great week!

God bless!


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