11 weeks

This week has been another week of the ups and downs of pregnancy and being the mom of a toddler. I'm a little late giving the update but only because the exhaustion has hit a new high this week.

I still go through short spurts of having about 5 minutes of energy - just enough to get supper started or unload/load the dishwasher, and then I'm down again. I also gained a lovely new symptom that I've never had before: extreme cold! With Emma, I was always hot. Undoubtedly, it's a hormonal thing. But just imagine the weird looks I get with wearing long sleeves and curling up in blankets at the office and at home when it's August and 90 degrees outside! I did call the nurse to check and make sure I didn't need to worry about it and she said that she would much rather be cold during the month of August than hot! I guess I didn't think about it that way. At any rate, she said it was actually normal and there was nothing to worry about but I could mention it to the doctor at my next appointment so they could check my blood work and thyroids. Since that's a good almost 4 weeks away, I'll just keep pulling out my winter clothes and curling up with a blanket and a cup of hot coffee :)

The bump is in full force now! For reals! I'm using my belly band a good bit because I haven't had the energy to drag out my maternity pants from storage yet. I would equate the size to about what my belly looked like a few weeks into the second trimester with Emma. I knew it would poke out sooner with this one. I'm still at that awkward stage, though, where people aren't sure if they should ask if your pregnant or if you're just bloated lol! It's fun to watch people get all nervous and awkward.

My aversions are getting real too, especially hot dogs. I can't even say the word without feeling queasy. It's even more weird because that's all I wanted when we first got back from the beach and then as soon as I got one, I didn't want to see another one again! I can't look at them when we pass them in the grocery store either. Other aversions are pretty normal, I guess. Any strong smell makes me nauseous, even if it's food that I want to eat. Colognes and perfumes are bad too, if they smell really strong, which while I'm pregnant is anything more than a tiny drop. The Diclegis is working pretty well but I'm still taking almost the full amount possible and still get nauseous a good bit in the afternoons and evenings. I'm impatiently waiting for the second trimester when it will finally go away!

In other news, this weekend was Emma's first trip to the lake! We went to my friend, Mallory's lake house at Logan Martin Lake. It was a perfect day Saturday! I figured Emma might like the lake better because there's no sand like at the beach...and I was right. We went out on the boat almost as soon as we got there and Emma was loving everything about it! She would stick her little hand over the side and try to touch the water coming up. When we got back from that ride, we decided to swim for a little bit. Her first time IN the lake was a little traumatic but she seemed to bounce back pretty well with no lasting effects lol. I got in with my flip flops, not even thinking, and was going to grab her from the dock and swim to the float. I didn't even think about how I only have two hands and I would need both to hold her AND swim...
Needless to say, I was glad I had her in her life jacket. I was attempting to keep myself from drowning but my flip flops were not cooperating and letting me kick very much, so they came off almost immediately when I grabbed Emma. After about 2 seconds of me realizing I was not going to be able to keep my head above water, hold her and swim to the float, I let go of her and grabbed the ladder. She didn't go under the water, thanks to her life jacket, but she got a mouthful of lake water and was not happy about it. After I had a hand on the ladder and had my head back above the water, I grabbed one of her arms while Mallory grabbed her life jacket and we hoisted her out of the water. Of course, a dramatic freak out was in full swing so I swam over to the float, climbed on and paddled back over to the dock to try again. She wasn't too keen on getting back in the water but once I had her on the float and had a good hold on her, she was fine. We both sat on the float and regrouped and then it was all good. She was splashing and playing on the float like nothing had happened.

Emma got to drive the boat!

Emma loves her some Mallory!

After a quick 20 minute summer rain storm, Mallory's sister and three girls came and we went back out on the boat. The girls wanted to "ride the waives" in the boat so Mallory's dad would drive through the wakes of other boats and sea-dos. I though Emma wouldn't like that but she wanted to be right in the middle of it! She would stand at the front with two of the girls and watch the water and waves come up. She had so much fun! I was glad she liked the lake since that's where I would love to live one day. Let's hope the next one likes the lake too so we can just plan now to have a house on the lake!

Rory's down to his last week of summer school and that means two more classes down, four to go! I know he's ready to be done and I'm ready too! He'll be so glad he stuck it out when next summer rolls around and we're already so proud of him.

Hope everyone is staying cool and enjoying the first week of August in the south!

29 weeks to go!

God bless!


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