15 weeks

And here I am...late again. I'm hoping this doesn't become a trend...

In all fairness, I did intend on writing my weekly blog last night but I decided, instead, to get some exercise in and walked outside until it was dark. My company has a great wellness program (of which I am a member of the wellness team - shameless plug) and we just started a steps challenge this week so I'm trying to be a good girl and get some exercise that is desperately needed! I know it's better for me now, too, with being pregnant. If only I can keep it up for 4 1/2 more weeks...

Not too many new things this week. I had my 15 week checkup yesterday morning with Dr. Stradtman, who I'm pretty sure assisted when Emma was delivered, and everything looked great. Peanut is low, just like Emma was, and moved around a good bit, just like Emma did, so we would get short spurts of heartbeats before it would move. It just made me more excited for when I can feel it really move! I've already felt some movements a little, but I know they only get better from here on out! I got my next appt in the books for five weeks out. It'll be my 20 week appointment AND our anatomy ultrasound! I would be more excited except...WE'LL FIND OUT THE GENDER FRIDAY!!!

That's right! It's good to have friends in the medical field :) My friend is a sonographer and is graciously (and excitedly) going to do an ultrasound for us on Friday so we can find out what Peanut is! I am so beyond excited! I've been praying hard for a boy, but I know I'll love it no matter what it is. I just love the idea of having one of each and for Rory to have a little mini-me, since I already have one ;)

We have an idea of how to reveal the gender (pending everything going smoothly and peanut cooperating) and I've been toying with the idea of doing a Facebook live video so everyone can participate in finding out at the same time. Last time, we revealed it to just family first and then posted the video later. I just like the idea of having something streaming live (since it is the 21st century and all) and watching peoples' reactions through posts! Stay tuned to know if we'll actually be doing that and when...

In other news, the round ligament pains are only getting worse. Now it's sharp pains when I sneeze or twist, so I'm trying to refrain from both. Comfort is at an all-time low, and I'm only 15 weeks! I feel like a beached whale most days. No other issues from nausea and I'm starting to notice a wee bit of a reprieve from exhaustion, but I would still rather take about 50 small naps during the day. The food aversions seem to be getting worse instead of better too :/ I can't even think about hamburgers now (although I did have a very delicious Five Guys burger on Sunday, but it came back to haunt me later) and don't even mention BBQ! In my weird alternate universe, I also really want chicken. I could tear up some BWs wings! I also really crave anything oriental. Just thinking about fried rice with yum yum sauce is making my mouth water like crazy! I also am starting to shy away from ice cream...I know, terrible, right?! I'll still down some cookies and cake in a second. I also really crave breakfast foods. Thinking about waffles and cinnamon rolls, or better yet, orange rolls is enough to send me running after the Pillsbury Dough Boy! Again, with not having a whole lot of room, I fill up pretty quickly so my cravings are only satiated temporarily.

We're still struggling through potty training this week with E. I feel like she regresses every day! It's like she's never sat on a toilet before! She was perfectly on track at 18 months and then got sick and had to be put on antibiotics that made it not even worth it to keep going at the time so we waited. Now we're back at it and to say it's slow going would be an understatement. She does wear panties every day to daycare and I'm assuming she at least goes when she's there because she's always in the same clothes when I pick her up and she's still wearing panties. When we get home, it's like she completely forgets what the potty is for and all she wanted to do today was take it apart. She did sit on it in the living room for a good 10 minutes (and I totally prayed that she would tee tee while sitting on it) and then she got up and tee tee'd in the floor! Ugh! I know it's a test and this too shall pass. I'm sticking to my guns and we're moving forward on the path we're on. No use in turning back now! Especially if I want her well-trained (except at night) by the time peanut gets here! Just pray for our sanity :/

Not much else going on except...college football starts Thursday!!!! Technically it started last Friday but since it was on another continent, we won't count it. Hope everyone enjoys a nice long three day weekend with lots of football!

25 weeks to go!

God bless!


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