14 Weeks

I'm a little late getting this out but life gets in the way.

I now have 6 months left before peanut arrives! I look back to when I was 3 months pregnant with Emma and there are similarities but there are also a lot of differences.

The nausea is officially gone, as long as I take my medicine, which also means my appetite is becoming more normalized. I still crave sweets more than anything but I'm trying to branch out to get enough of other nutrients the baby and I need. I have to really make myself want something to eat it and, believe me, if I don't really want it, I literally can't eat it. I almost made myself sick last weekend trying to eat a hamburger that I tried to make myself think I wanted, only to realize that it was the last thing I wanted. I try to eat a good number of snacks so that I don't have to wait until meal times too. Since my stomach has shrunk significantly to make room for peanut, eating large meals is hard.

I'm still extremely tired most of the time, even when I get "enough" sleep. Getting comfortable is hit or miss also. Sometimes I can use my snoogle and sleep well and other times, I wake up almost every hour to turn the whole snoogle over. I've been going back and forth between using the snoogle and using a regular pillow. With a regular pillow, I frequently wake up on my back and have to turn on the side. I would also MUCH rather sleep on my stomach, but for obvious reasons, that's a little hard too.

The bump is getting on out there now. I can't wear any regular pants without my belly band so I'm now wearing a lot of stretchy pants and leggings (which are actually maternity leggings). With a growing baby, I'm also not as cold as I have been. I still use blankets just out of comfort but I don't need them to stay warm. I figure I'll only get hotter as the baby gets bigger...here's hoping! I'm glad I'll be pregnant in the winter again as well, so when I get hot, I can just step outside to cool off :)

I've also started to experience the ever-lovely round ligament pains. I have both random, sharp pains when I turn a certain way and the dull, constant pain that feels like I've pulled a muscle; neither are a joy. I knew they were coming but I never had much of an issue with them in my first pregnancy. Like I've said, this one is COMPLETELY different.

In other news, Rory passed his summer courses and is now on to his fall semester. He's only taking one class since only one was offered this semester, which also means we get to start paying back student loans...yay. One upside, only one class means a lighter load and he's home more! He can also go to church with us on Wednesday nights now! The last several semesters, he's had to take Monday/Wednesday night classes which means Emma and I have been on our own for worship. We're all glad daddy can go back with us now! He has 3 classes left after this semester so the end is in sight!!!

Emma's also being her normal, silly self most of the time these days. We've started back with potty training, and so far, so good. She's right in the middle of getting her 2 year old molars so it's been touch and go with #2 but I'm hoping those will be out of the way in the next couple months and we won't have to worry about ruining clothes to teach her to use the bathroom. She is very much independent so it's been more of a challenge to get her to WANT to go to the bathroom and sit on the toilet but she's also been very intrigued with these "Baby Alive" videos on youtube kids so I can usually bribe her to sit on the toilet if I have the ipad with me. I know we'll get there and it will be SO nice not to have two kids in diapers when peanut gets here. That's my motivation :)

I hope everyone enjoys their last weekend before college football!

26 weeks to go!

God bless!


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