13 weeks

We finally made it! WOOHOO! Welcome to the second trimester for me! :)

Technically, it'll be official on Saturday as the 20th will be 3 months but I don't want to be picky. I'm already starting to feel better in the nausea department and have been able to drop my dosage of Diclegis to two a day! I still feel it every now and then when it's been a little too long between eating but it's nowhere near what it has been.

No reprieve from the exhaustion yet. It's actually been worse lately and I'm getting headaches from it. I can sleep a full 8 1/2 hours and take a good 2 hour nap and STILL get a headache from being tired. This kid is wearing me out! I think it may be a growth spurt, which is fine but I'm still impatiently waiting on my burst of energy to actually feel like a functioning human being again!

The belly is full on now and I've given up on trying to fit into my regular pants. From here on out, it's maxi skirts, stretchy pants and leggings, at least until I can go and buy a couple pairs of legit maternity pants. Thankfully I've joined the "boutique" fashion trend and almost all of my shirts are the long flowy type so they can double as maternity tops :) Thank you 2016 trends!

I'm also anxiously awaiting cooler weather! I'm still cold most of the time but I'm ready to be able to wear cute sweaters and boots and scarves! Who's with me? Football is a mere 2 1/2 weeks away and I am so excited! The weather needs to follow suit!

Mom and Dad came and spent the week with us last week and were such life savers! Since the exhaustion was especially bad this past week, I was able to (guilt-free) crash as soon as I got home. I did help with cooking and cleaning some, but I also have the best husband ever and he helped with cooking most nights. Mom and Dad kept Emma on Tuesday since Ms. Cindi needed a day to get some things done sans-kids and E had a ball! They went and visited Great Grandmama after E's speech session and then went shopping. E has always been very good when out shopping and I think she's starting to realize that Publix has some perks for her too. She got a free cookie when we went grocery shopping on Saturday, along with all the samples that were around every corner! It reminded me of when I was growing up and our monthly shopping trips to Sams were my absolute fav! All the samples everywhere were so good!

Will and Audra came over Tuesday night so we could celebrate Will's bday a week late. He's 28...28! How is that even possible?! I'm younger than that! ;) They also had their first respite care weekend the weekend before so we got some good stories from that. They both agreed that it was fun but exhausting. Rory and I could only laugh. Been there, done that...actually, still doing that. Must be nice to give a kid back after a few days ;) In all seriousness, I know they're going to be awesome parents one day, whether it's their own biological child or a foster, they'll give them all love no matter what. I've told several people before; it takes special selfless people to be able to be foster parents. Rory and I couldn't do it for the simple fact that I would get so attached and it would break my heart into a million bajillion pieces to have to give up a child that I've grown to love like my own. God bless my brother and Audra for opening their home and hearts to children who desperately need both.

Curt continues his adventure in Boston, at least for one more week. I know he's enjoyed spending time with Ashton and her family and spending some time in the Hamptons (poor soul) so we're excited to hear all about his trip when he gets back! It won't be long after that that he'll move permanently up there SINCE HE GOT THE JOB!!! I know I'll miss my little bro but I'm proud that he's venturing out and even more proud that he's found someone that he wants to spend all his time with ;) He'll have to get himself and Ashton a ticket for February so they can come see their new niece or nephew ;)

Emma's doing great with her speech and it feels like she's started speaking in full sentences almost over night! She learns new words daily and is doing better on her pronunciations. She still struggles with m's, n's, p's and b's but we're working on it a little every day. She's so stubborn most days and when she realizes that we're trying to get her to work on the correct pronunciation, she'll put her little hand up and say "go, go, go" which is "no, no no". It has to be her idea to say it right but I know that eventually, she'll get it just like she got mama. She's growing up so fast! We've also been slowly working on potty training. She's a pro at telling us after she's tee-teed and pooped so now it's just getting up the energy to actually commit to it. Most weekends, I tell myself "this weekend" and then I end up getting smacked with exhaustion and I don't even want to try to spend all weekend getting up and down to get her to tee-tee and poop on the potty. Since she's already done it once, I keep telling myself it'll be easier this time around since she has a general idea of what the potty is for, but changing a diaper quickly is so much easier. I'll get to it one of these days.

Rory starts his fall semester next week and thankfully only has one class this semester. But that also means that he falls below part-time and all of his loans come out of deferment. Ugh. God has blessed us to be able to afford them all coming out of deferment and we'll be working on paying those down since we currently don't have a mortgage. They'll likely go back into deferment in the spring when he becomes part-time again for one semester, but then it will be life-long payback after that when he finishes school. Yay for paying back the equivalent of a luxury car for the next 10 years! We're living the american dream :)

That's pretty much it for this week. We're looking forward to a relaxing week of having Rory around for one more week before schools starts, football starting in a couple weeks, and a much needed burst of energy (fingers crossed)!

27 weeks to go!

God bless!


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