12 weeks

Sometimes the weeks seem to be flying by and sometimes they seem to crawl. I am so blessed to be able to experience all of the joys of being pregnant again, but I'm about ready to be done with the not-so-joyous parts of being pregnant.

I'm still dealing with the intense nausea but I'm having more good days now. Today would not be one of them, though. I took my max dose of four diclegis today and I'm still struggling to keep the nausea in check. I'm eating small snacks and trying to keep my fluid intake up but some days, you just have to chalk it up to a bad day. I'm also super tired, but that might have more to do with the fact that we had some late night fun watching the Olympics last night with some friends. I didn't get in the bed until almost 11 so I'm dragging a little bit today.

I am wanting to eat more, but I'm still picky about just what I want more of. Yesterday, I thoroughly enjoyed some Red Pearl for lunch. I'm pretty sure I could eat Chinese food every day and be perfectly fine. Well, that and ice cream. Last night, my dinner consisted of a blizzard from DQ. Hey, what baby wants, baby gets! ;) I also had a couple bites of some chocolate peanut butter brownies to top it off. I'm pretty sure this baby is going to be a junk food junkie, just like mama!

I'm showing more and am about to have to go on a small shopping spree for some much-needed maternity pants! I'm a little tired of having to unwind hair ties from my pant buttons just to go to the bathroom, so that may be my fun for this weekend! The bump is more noticeable at night, and it really may be more bloating than bump, but it's definitely there underneath it all.

I'm also still battling being cold, but I think I'll take being cold in the dead heat of summer. It's slowly getting better but I still have to stay under my electric blanket at work and one of about 50 blankets to choose from at home. I'm hoping the bigger the baby gets and the more my symptoms hopefully start to subside, the warmer I'll get. At this point, I think its a nutrition issue because I don't really want to eat much more than sweets and the occasional bowl of cereal or Chinese. Once I do get some of my appetite back, I'll be sure to load up on lots of red meat to up my iron.

Emma continues to do well in speech and more people are beginning to be able to understand her when she talks. Her favorite thing right now is to go around the room and try to name everyone there. She's gotten most everyone in our little group down (Momo, Ah, Eli, Pooper, as Emma calls him, Juju, Colby, Mama, Dada) and we're working on adding more and more names and people that she recognizes. She's still very stubborn when it comes to using the correct pronunciation of p's, b's, m's and n's and it really has to be her idea to use the correct letter sounds. We'll get there eventually.

Rory's got one more semester under his belt! He passed his two classes from this summer and is about to enroll in one for this fall. That will leave two for next spring and one for next summer and he's done forever! I'm so proud that he's stuck it out and will finally have a degree. It's been a long road but it'll be worth it! After schooling is done for good, then we'll start looking for where we want to settle down with our little family of four for good. Here in Alabama? Maybe in Tennessee? Or maybe we get crazy and head out west or up north?! Only time and God will tell.

That's pretty much a wrap for this week. Hope everyone is enjoying the small dip in temps for now (who knows how long this will last).

28 weeks to go!

God bless!


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