My two great blessings

Can someone please tell me how I now have a three month old living in my house?! The past three months have gone by WAY too fast!

Penny continues to recover from her three infections and has been experiencing another growth spurt. My guess is she's closing in on 12 pounds pretty quickly! We're getting into a pretty good routine at bedtime so our nights are getting much better than they were. She slept all the way through the night last night with no wake-ups until 5 this morning! Hallelujah! She also rolled over from her back to her stomach the other day all by herself and I had to laugh! She's such a wiggle worm! She hates tummy time about as much as Emma did so I haven't been pushing that, although I probably need to have her do more of it when Emma's home so she can have some encouragement from big sister!

She's smiling so much more now! She's so close to a laugh and LOVES to be talked to. She'll get the biggest grin on her face watching her big sister too. She's still the weirdest kid I know that actually enjoys getting her diaper changed. I can always count on a diaper change to calm her down if she's super fussy haha! How did we get so lucky? ;)

We learned this weekend that she legitimately HATES her car seat. We took our first trip to Tennessee since having Penny and she screamed literally the whole way up there and the whole way back. We had, maybe 5 minutes of a break but then she ramped it back up to let us know her utter disdain for being strapped in. Once we got out, she was instantly a calm and happy baby again. It worked on Rory and my nerves for sure this weekend. We know Emma hated being strapped down too and really didn't enjoy riding in the car until she was turned around and could see everything, so it looks like it may be a very long 2 years...

Emma's starting to go through a jealous and rebellious streak, and it's not boding well for her. She doesn't have an ugly jealousy, but it's very obvious that she's trying to keep all the attention on her as much as she can. I know it has to be hard since she's used to being the center of everything until Penny came along, but I'm trying to help her understand when we can't give her all the attention that she wants, it's because Penny needs something and she needs to share her time. She doesn't resent Penny in the least, but there's no way that I can give her my undivided attention when I'm changing Penny's diaper or trying to soothe a cranky baby. Bless her little heart!

I think the rebellious streak has more to do with her being three than being jealous. She's started to decide that if she doesn't feel like doing what she's told, she'll straight up tell you no. This does not end well for a three year old : / Let's just say that her bottom is getting a lot more attention these days. "Spare the rod, spoil the child." She won't be spoiled with the streak she's been on lately for sure!

Even with all the craziness of having an infant and a toddler, I wouldn't trade these two blessings for anything! I really can't imagine my life without either one! They both bring so much joy to their dad and me! God has truly been good to Rory and me and given us two great blessings that have filled our lives with such happiness! I can't wait to see them continue to grow into beautiful young girls and, one day, women! Being a mom is one of the most exhausting, trying, joyous, fulfilling experiences I've ever had, and I thank God that He's entrusted these two souls to me to nurture and guide. I just hope that He gives me the wisdom and strength to guide them in the right direction!

I hope everyone had a fantastic Mother's Day weekend and showed your mom's some serious love!

Nana finally got to hold Penny and get some lovin' from Emma!

God Bless!


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