The Next Holiday

Our baby is 15 weeks old this week and we're FINALLY starting to hit our groove!

Penny has blessed us with 10+ hours of sleep the last two nights and that is super awesome for this exhausted mama! She'll still decide that she wants to briefly wake up looking for her paci at 4 or 4:30, but then it's right back to sleep. We're working on crying it out because I'm still in the habit of getting up to run in there and put her back to sleep when I know she can sleep without the paci. So far (when I remember to do it) she can put herself back to sleep in under a minute if it's the middle of the night. She's never had an issue putting herself to sleep at bedtime - which is now 8 pm - but if she decides to fuss for a little bit, she's never crying more than 5 minutes and then she's down for the count. I have to say, she's a much "easier" baby than Emma in this respect. She really doesn't want to be rocked to sleep either, which is heartbreaking for me because I want to soak up all the cuddles and rocking that I can since she's the caboose :(

She's still in the midst of "teething" although there are no teeth or buds of teeth to be seen yet. I'm not expecting any for another few months since Emma did the same thing. She didn't get her first tooth until she was 8 months old but starting the drooling and chewing on everything at about 4 months old. Penny's definitely at that stage a little early so maybe we'll see a tooth sooner with her.

She's still on her reflux medicine and there's no denying that this kid has reflux! We go through no less than 5 or 6 bibs and 5 or 6 burp cloths a day, not to mention at least two outfits before she's in her pjs. I'm impatiently waiting until she can start solids, hoping that will help some. I'm hoping that Vivi will tell us at her 4 month appointment next month that we can start some purees. I know that this will pass and I keep telling myself that, but it kills me that I can't play with her the way I used to with Emma because she'll blow chunks if she's jostled even a little. This also has been hindering me from really working with her on tummy time. I'll get a few seconds in every now and then right before she goes down for a nap. Her naps have also started getting shorter and more sporadic. She'll sleep a solid 45 minutes and then be up and ready to play until she gets cranky an hour later. Then, it's down for another 30-45 minutes until she's ready to eat. I think this may be contributing to the 10+ hour nights that we've been having so I'll try not to complain too much ;)

Emma is growing up so fast too and is slowly turning into a little girl before our eyes! She has such a tender heart and loves everyone but won't let anyone take advantage of her. She's got some serious sass going on, being a three-nager and all, and is quite independent when she wants to be. She's also the kid that will be utterly heartbroken if someone gets on to her even a little bit. That doesn't stop her from getting a spanking every now and then when needed. I realized this weekend that the hand just isn't cutting it anymore either. If she really needs a pop, we have to break out the paint sticks. Just one look at those and she breaks down into a puddle of tears. We'll see how long that lasts. I've also learned that it really does hurt me more than it hurts her because I'm heartbroken to even have to get on to her. This weekend was a test for us for sure.

Excited about stickers she got from Uncle Mike and Aunt Judy!

Since this past weekend was a nice, long holiday weekend, we hosted Rory's mom, along with our niece and nephew. They got here early Friday afternoon while Rory and I were enjoying some much needed "us" time. We still got to eat lunch at one of my favorite restaurants - Mugshots - and then do a little bit of shopping in Leeds before heading home to meet them and get the girls. Then it was a "quiet" weekend at home - about as quiet as it can be with an infant, 3 yo and 4 yo. Emma and Lola had a BLAST playing all day, every day, and it showed. We would have to start the cleaning up process about 15 minutes before bedtime just to get the playroom and den into some sort of organized chaos. It did give me a glimpse into what it may be like when Penny gets older and Emma and Penny start playing together. For the most part, Emma and Lola got along pretty well and played well together. Of course there was some tattling and forced sharing situations, but all in all, it wasn't too bad. Emma was so sad to see Mammy and Lola leave yesterday and asked Mammy if she could go with them. It made me wish that we lived closer so that we could spend more time with them. I'm not one to want to live on the same street, but living less than 30 minutes from all of my family wouldn't be so bad. We'll see where God has plans for us.

It was really great to have Tevin visiting too. Poor kid has had a rough go of it lately. Being 19 is hard enough, but it's even harder when you surround yourself with questionable "friends". I pray for him often that he'll get it together and really try to put his life in a better direction. At this point, that's all we can do for him until he decides he wants to help himself (which I hope is soon!)

We're gearing up now for our first family-of-four vacation to Rhode Island in a week! I've got my bag packed and ready and am working on getting the girls' stuff together to give to my parents who will be driving up this weekend. I'm getting more nervous about how Emma and Penny will handle flying for the first time, but I know whatever happens, we'll get there (Lord willing) and have a good time! I think I'm more looking forward to being pampered too for the first time in a LONG time. We're talking nails, hair and makeup! This mama hasn't had a mani/pedi in FOREVER and let's not even talk about makeup - what makeup? ;) I'm excited to see my brother, who I haven't seen since last September, and celebrate him and Ashton! Countdown to Couchman people! T minus 9 days!

Hope everyone had a nice and enjoyable holiday weekend! Just a four day workweek this week guys! And only a month and a half until the next holiday! ;)

God bless!


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