The Walking Tired

Miss Penny is now 11 weeks old and closing in on 3 months! She's growing so fast and is really starting to show her little personality. She's very laid back but it takes an army to make this girl smile more than once! She's very curious and wants to look everywhere but where you want her to...stubborn to boot. She loves to watch the TV (or really, the light from the TV) and stand up by herself! We really need to buy her a Johnny Jump Up thing so we don't have to hold her up the whole time lol! She's definitely going to be a mover and a talker like her big sister. It's going to be so much fun to see them interact as Penny gets older!

She's still eating great and has dropped one bottle and is threatening to drop another! I've been trying to get her on some semblance of a bedtime routine, and so far, so good. I've been giving her a bath (or a rinse) around 8, followed by a bottle and bed by 8:45 or 9 - depending on how long it takes her to finish the bottle or drink as much as she wants. This bottle is either the 5th or 6th bottle of the day for right now. Lately, it's been the 5th and she's been going later and later to where she's taking the 4th bottle about an hour before the 5th one! I don't see it being much longer before she spreads her feedings out to every 4 hours and only takes 4 bottles a day.

Penny is now up to 9 hours of sleep at night, although this week, it hasn't been 9 hours of straight, sound sleep. :/ Poor baby has been fighting a cold for about a week and a half that now pretty much consists of a hacking cough. It gets worse at night, which means she wakes herself up, and us in the process! We've also graduated from the snoogle (more because I made her since I found her underneath it Saturday night, which freaked me out!) so she's trying to get use to sleeping on her side with no snoogle. She's very much a mover so she wakes up a couple of times on her back and cries out and then wakes up a couple of times on her stomach and cries out. Hopefully, she'll learn to sleep on either and let Rory and me get more than about 2 hours of straight sleep! We're also hoping this cough gets better soon! It doesn't seem to phase her much during the day, but at night, she'll get choked up and get mad. This has resulted in us putting a pillow under her mattress to keep her elevated...which doesn't do much good when she moves all over the crib! Haha! Just send a prayer up for us this week that she starts to get better at sleeping longer stretches without 30 second wake-ups for us to put her paci back in or move her back to her side. We're all for sure deliriously tired right now!

Emma continues to crack us up on a daily basis. She still loves her sister and is constantly climbing all over me to try and sit RIGHT next to Penny. I don't mind that she wants to be close to her, but when Penny is fussing and Emma is climbing my arm to try and get in Penny's face, my patience wains a bit...but then she does something like this and all that impatience disappears :)

Emma is very much a little bossy butt too. We're working on the demanding tone that she has and trying to teach her that she needs to ASK instead of TELL. She'll tell Rory to color with her by simply saying "sit" and pointing to her coloring book :) She gets the bossiness honest because I'm very much a "tell" type of person, as I got it from my mom. She had everyone rolling at the monthly birthday party for church members last night! I got on to her for running and she was yelling at the other kids to stop running too! I do have to say that we don't have to get on to her very often because once we tell her not to do something once, or she gets a pop for doing something she's not supposed to, it's very seldom that she'll do it again. Another trait I picked up from my mom - putting the fear of God in your children! ;) Love you mom!

We got to visit with some out-of-town family this weekend too! Uncle Tom, Aunt Charli, Nick, Laura and their two girls Carly and Corrine came down for a visit and we all met up to eat at Jim-N-Nicks. Emma LOVED playing with her cousins! She's met them once before but it was a couple of years ago. Seeing how big Carly and Corrine have grown blew my mind! Time really does fly! These cousins were just too cute! I can't wait until Penny gets bigger and can join in the fun when they visit!

Carly is 5 and Corrine is just 3 months older than Emma!

Sharing the entertainment ;)

Rory's taking his last final today for the spring semester and then he'll have three weeks off to relax before his VERY LAST CLASS EVER! He's so excited and so are we! It's been a long 5 years but we finally made it! He's worked so hard for this degree all while maintaining a full time job and having two kids (granted, only the last three months has been with 2 kids, and the last 3 years was with 1). Impressive! I have a whole new respect for the college students that have full time jobs and families to take care of while trying to better themselves educationally! I'm ready to have my husband back full time though :)

We're also a mere 5 weeks away from our New England vacation and it seems like there's so much to do and so little time! Planning a family trip that includes two infants, a toddler and six adults is proving to be a lot! Will, Audra, Rory, myself and all three girls will be flying while my parents drive. I'll be glad not to have to endure a screaming baby for 17 hours in the car, but it remains to be seen how Penny and Miya will do on two flights (one from Bham to Atlanta, and then from Atlanta to Providence). Please say a prayer for our sanity and the sanity of all the travelers on our flights!

I hope everyone enjoys the beginning of May! Prayers for everyone affected by the storms this weekend. Hopefully all the bad weather is done for a while!

God Bless!


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