13 Weeks - Isaiah 41:13

This week has been pretty uneventful. I still have bad days but the majority of days are good : ) The last couple have been rough and I am starting to "feel" the hormones raging! Yesterday, it seemed like everything made me mad....and I just couldn't help but snap at everyone I came in contact with! This kid is already making me want to pull my hair out....this is when I really pray its not a girl! I can't deal with a mini-me! ; P

I am feeling more and more tired which probably means I need to be upping my iron intake. Yay for more steaks! : ) No visible bump yet, but I am noticing that my pants are starting to fit a little weird. They seem to want to gravitate lower in the front and higher in the back....guess that means it won't be long before I'll need to make a trip to the Target maternity section! Or at the least, I will be purchasing a belly band soon : )

I finally gave in this past weekend and made some chicken dishes for Rory and Tevin. I figured I had deprived them long enough of no chicken in the house. I was able to partake a little when I made some chicken taquitos, but only because I shredded the chicken beyond recognition before making them lol! I am feeling more like cooking, which is good, but I still have an aversion to cleaning, which is not so good. And to make matters worse, our air conditioning went out this past week! And since our house is about the size of a large walk-in closet, turning the oven on to cook heated the whole house! I had to keep the kitchen door open on Tuesday and take 30 second breaks to walk outside and cool off before continuing my cooking. I worked from home yesterday so I was able to keep all the windows open and all fans blasting so it was bearable : ) We're just going to suck it up and stick it out the next few weeks of Alabama "fall" and pray that it starts to cool down. It just doesn't make much sense to buy the parts to fix it when we'll only use it for a few weeks and then won't have the warranty cover it but for half a summer next year : / Lets hope that God continues to bless the south with cooler-than-normal temps!

This next week is our gospel meeting with Bro. Bill Hall. I'm really looking forward to hearing him speak! Anyone and everyone is welcome and I hope you can come at least one night to hear a good lesson from God's word! I just hope butter bean cooperates so I can go every night : )

27 weeks to go!

God bless!


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